Photos from OLGS

The ordination of three priests by Archbishop Elden Curtiss of Omaha (May 2005).

Rogation days processions (Spring 2005).

My tonsure, October 2004.

The ordination of seven priests by Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz (May 2004).

Ordinations to the diaconate at St. Francis Church in Lincoln, NE, 2004.

Trip to Clear Creek Benedictine Monastery, Easter week, 2004.

Holy Week 2004.

The snowy winter of 2003-2004.

Our Lady of Guadalupe (the patroness of our seminary) feast day celebrations.

Pontifical High Mass at the Carmel on the feast of St. Theresa of Avila, 2003. Includes a short video.

All Saints Day bonfire and festivities, 2003.

Praying for the dead on All Souls Day, 2003.

Tonsure and ordination to the diaconate, 2003.

Conferral of minor orders, 2003.

First year men, beginning of 2003.

Videos and pictures of daily life at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary.