<BGSOUND SRC="/timtamhill/BON_JOVI__Blaze_Of_Glory.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Tj's Homepage
-A Little About Me-

>I am a Southern born and bred girl.  I have a lot of TRUE Southern beliefs and I follow those beliefs always.  I'm a bit old fashioned...still believe in courting...walks in the rain...being a romantic... (when I have someone to be romantic with)  and honesty. 
>I am a 100% "daddy's girl"...I love my daddy.
>I believe EVERYONE has some good in them...and YES that has made me very vulnerable and very gullible believing in this...but that's just me.
>I have very strong beliefs in God...and I go to church.
>I grew up singing and I still sing.  I love to write poetry and am currently writing some songs.  I don't know what life would be like without music.
>I am currently a Volunteer Firefighter in my town and an EMT.  I love volunteering...always have and always will.  I have been given many chances to survive in my life and if I can help someone get thru a bad time or put a smile on their face...then my day is complete.  It is a personal goal of mine to greet or smile at everyone I come in contact with.  Ya never know when just a smile might be what that person needed.
>To all who are on this site...know that you are a GREAT friend.  I am thankful to have all of you in my life.  Some of you I have personally met, and would love to meet the rest.
>My special thanks goes out to "LAW_N4_CER", for all his hard work and dedication to this page.  He has spent many countless, unselfish hours working on this.  I have never been more appreciative of someone as I am him doing this. 
>So...to all of you who visit, I hope you enjoy and appreciate everyone on here...whether they are a firefighter, law enforcement, paramedic/emt or a friend...each and everyone plays an important part in our lives.  Just always remember to keep each and everyone in your prayers.  If you have ever talked to me...you will notice I don't say "bye"...that sounds permanent...you will always see me say "later"...cause that's exactly what it means...is that we will talk again.
>Check back from time to time...there are more pics to be added and if you have any interesting stories or pics to share...please email me at TexasGirl39_99@yahoo.com
>Thanks to all of you who visit and thanks to all my friends...and as always...KEEP SAFE...God Bless You and Have a Great Day!


Addendum to front page
My Pics
Police Friends Page
Firefighting Friends Page
view my old guestbook
My Friends Picture Page
What Keeps me busy these days...
The Michael Richardson Memorial Page