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Yahoo! FinanceSunday, February 23 2003 6:42am ET - U.S. Markets Closed.
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Top Stories
Vultures Raising Billions for Buying Spree
Sat 2:58pm ET - Reuters
With nearly a trillion dollars worth of distressed and defaulted corporate debt flooding the market and the economy eventually headed for a rebound, now is the time to start buying corporate paper, right?
Most Actives, US Indices, World Indices

Market Overview by Aaron Kalvani
Fri 5:05pm ET
After trading in lackluster fashion earlier in the session, the major indices staged an impressive rally for a higher finish for the week...A number of factors contributed to the market's ennui in the early action, the most notable ones being a dearth of influential sector leadership to the upside...more

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Business News
Home Depot to Unveil National Ad Campaign
Sat 6:34pm ET - Reuters
Home Depot Inc. , seeking to gain a marketing edge amid growing competition, is rolling out an advertising campaign in the United States that plays down price promotions and focuses more on services the home improvement retailer offers.

Tokyo Stocks Seen in Range Eyeing Iraq
Sat 9:21pm ET - Reuters
Tokyo stocks are expected to move in a tight range this week as war jitters and heavy institutional selling keep a tight lid on the market, although a decision on a new central bank governor could give a brief lift to shares.

Is Greenspan Being Tuned Out by Markets?
Sat 9:21pm ET - Reuters
Maybe Alan Greenspan is no longer the lionized "maestro" of old on Wall Street. When the head of the world's most powerful central bank drew the ire of the White House last week for his lukewarm support of tax cuts, investors were reminded that Federal Reserve chairmen are also mortal.

Oil's Not Well on Wall Street
Sat 9:21pm ET - Reuters
There won't be a spring break for this shock-sensitive stock market because the surge in gasoline prices could tip the fragile economy back into recession.

Politics to Call Tune for Stocks
Sat 7:36am ET - Reuters
Politics may upstage economics on Wall Street next week as the uncertainty over whether the United States will lead a military strike on Iraq keeps investors on edge and dictates the market's direction.

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Q. From 1983-2000, which kind of forecasts--relative to those of peers--had the largest effect, positive or negative, on an analyst's career?
Outstandingly accurate, outstandingly positive
Oustandingly inaccurate, outstandingly positive
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