Welcome to "The Chuppa Online".First of all I supose I should explain what the chuppa is and lay down a bit of history.The Chuppa is so named because the water tower which used to stand behind it looked like a chuppa chup (lollipop).The chuppa is a hill in the local area which we (the local cb radio operators)have been frequenting since the mid 80's.One of the reasons the local cb'ers frequent this hill is because it enables them to transmit and receive further than down on the flat.The other and more popular reason for frequenting the chuppa is to socialize.On an average night up the hill we usually get about 20 people coming up to socialize and or talk on the radio's. A few of the people who have been coming up to the chup since the early days are (callsigns only) GreenDragon, GhostRider, Tony Allsorts, Tony(brunswick formally monty), Toecutter, Country Squire, Mermaid, Undertaker, Juicen, Micka , Creeping Death and BK.I'm sure I have probably missed a few of the old crew that still show there faces. Sometime soon we hope to get some photos of the chuppa and the chuppa crew onto this page.So keep your eyes on this page.
The log book below is working again.I had to do some serious HTML mashin to fix it.But as you all know ....I am the man for the job.(The G Man)
I thought I might put a few quotes here that have been heard up the chuppa.
This is a little saying that came out of the mouth of the Educator(Whiplash)....I'm going to turn my hardware into software,download into my socks and make a squishy drive......lol...i love it.
These next few are general ones that float around the place............It's the mint.(means it's excellent).........Ya nanna.(this one is a general insult)..........Ya think.(can mean a number of things mainly..if you reckon)......Pickle(is a general term,anyone can be a pickle for good or bad reasons)........There are heaps more but I'll leave it at that for now.