KaMrAn'S pLaCe

Hi welcome to my page.

Hey, Thanks for coming to my page, I'm trying to be more "sophisticated" here as you can see I am not typing lower case I's anymore, and typing the whole word out like "you" instead of "u", lol (LOL, will remain the same until further sophistication...lol) Well I'm in the middle of adding things on my website, so calm down, heh, and be patient, thank you, hope you enjoy my not so done page.

My pages

if you can please put my banner on your page copy this code:

this site has been visited many times (yeah ok...)

But really has been visited many times

Wu$$uP? thanks for coming to my site I am still (ALWAYS!!) updating it so make sure you have this page bookmarked. Please send me any links u like, so i can have them on my page, okay now feel free to look at my links and stuff, and if those yellow balls following the mouse cursor bother u tell me so i can have them removed...okay? bye! Oh and i got a new counter my old one, i don't know what happend to the old one but all the guests i had in the old one was alot more then this new dingy one i have!!!!!!

AnD SigN my GueStBOoK, U BetTa!!

HoLLa BaCk bY cLiCkiNg hErE
Email Me! (u don't have a choice!!!!, u better email!!!) if u got any ideas or anything ya wanna say!

Last updated : August 12, 2001

The contents of this page Copyright ©1998-01 by "Kamran Malik"
This page, and any pages of the pages on this server, are not to be copied in any way without written permission from Kamran Malik
