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Merry Christmas from Megan and Becca!!!!

What nasssssssty lil' creature seems to be invading our web dwelling today? Welcome to the insane babblings of two screwy web mistresses. My partner in crime is Meggsie. Say hello Meggsie-

Hello Meggsie.

Uh, yeah...so anywho...this is our home. Megan thinks this whole idea is gay-

Yeah, pretty much...

But screw her. I didn't ask her anyway...you'll find alot of strange things on this site.

Like the tale of Becca's death threat,

Our summer vacation ((ooh, the memory of that one Tuesday night...)),

Olis and the Ukranian Goats,

((ok, that was just scary!)) and many of our pilfered graphics.

Aah, yes. we're web kleptos.

Hurt because something of your's is here? Poor baby...deal with it. Not like you can do anything about it, eh?

Steal something from us. Not like we care.

We also don't care what you think of the site. Look at the title BECCA AND MEGAN'S Random Babblings. Meaning, be prepared for alot of inside jokes your small minds won't understand.

Our site...not yours...oooooouuuurrrss....

The page looks like crap right now-all out of order, broken pics. Geocities hates us with a passion.

Feel free to send things in...suggestions. Comments, Hate Mail *hinthint*.  Additions. Anything you want.

You should most likely sign the damn guestbook and use the forum, too.

Well, we've wasted enough time trying to entertain the monkeys...((Did you f-aah, never mind...))

Check ya later!

Find out if anything's been updated recently.
A Purpose
See Megan's theory on a purpose of our page.
Becca's Soapbox

Stories, reports, sopaboxes (*wink*), self revelations, etc...
Most Recent Gripe
We all have a bone to pick. What's yours?
More Poems
Hatemail...ya gotta love it. Send us some! And we'll post it for everyone's amusement.
See some cool pics people have sent in
Join Kids Against Parent Teenyboppers
Ukrainian Captive
This is a real life conversation between me (Meggsie) and Becca...
Mike Matteucci
of the Longbeach Ice Dogs. *pant pant* Becca's personal shrine.
The Adventures of Muffy & Buffy...
Our...Adventures...Camping, guy stories, etc.
   The Latest Theory
See Megan's latest theories on life, genetics, and stuff in general as they develop in her screwed up mind
World Wide Web Lingo
Learn some commonly used web abbreviations.
Name That Voice
Meet the voices in our heads.
Take a look at some nifty e-mail forwards.
Play some games-poker, tic-tac-toe, etc...
See our adorable Fluffs!
Check out some other cute things we've adopted from around the web!
E-mail Lists
Find a whole bunch of e-mail lists you can join. rpgs, discussion, etc...
Take a look at our various ribbons!
The Makers of this Page
learn a little bit about us...
A Quote

Daily Horoscope
What's your sign?

This is hilarious! Check out the
Hamster Dance.
other dances)
Alas...All good things must come to an end, however. Did you get sick of listening to the Hamster Dance? Go and see the Hamster Blast. At the site I'm about to give you, you can blow up Leo, burn the Olsens, and microwave Furbies. But wait...Furbies are good! Anyway, Go see
Have you ever wanted to hack? Check out HappyHacker.org
It's Them
Jar Jar
I don't think we could've found anything more perfect than this explanation of Jar-Jar. Click that annoying looking banner and go take a look.
Tina the Troubled Teen
The Weather in Hell
Uncle Hyman
Are you insane? ARE YOU?... ARE YOU? ARE YOU? ARE YOU?
Take this test!

Insanity Test
Go check out some other nifty pages on the web.  Add your own in Bravenet's nifty free for all links.

Knnow what we hate? People who won't sign guestbooks....so, sign our guestbook. Come on! Dooo it!
Never Forget
Littleton is something we all must remember.
  What has society come to?
  Shootings, abortion, suicide, all the murders...
  there is always someone who cares...
  don't lose hope.
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Damn, they screwed up our counter, and I don't even remember how many peeps have weasled through here. That kinda sucks. I'll just say it was pretty high to boost *our* self esteem and to make you think this page is as nifty as we do...and I'll throw up some crappy looking site counter.
(New counter 8-18-00