My Info Page
Want more info about me? Visit my other webpage.
For recent photos (those on this page are old) visit
Gay Christians: Visit Gay Christian Outreach
Hey! Welcome to one of my many websites. I've created this one to serve as a place that folks can get information about me without finding too many details. It's not that I'm paranoid or afraid of a stalker or something. My main website just contains a LOT of details about my life that I think it's best to not share with everyone. I'm not yet ready for everyone to know everything about me. So my other website contains a lot of stuff, but not some of the stuff on this one. And vice versa. Anyhoo, I'm rambling. I want to keep this site short and sweet. As the title above says, this is just an info page about me. So the stats follow.
Age: 28
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 175 pounds
Hair: Brown (with a slight reddish color)
Eyes: Varying shades of blue
: October 30, 1972
Sexual Orientation
: Gay
Relationship Status: 
Springfield, Missouri
: No. (and allergic to cigarette smoke)
: No. I don't need chemically induced "happiness" or "courage." Besides, alcohol tastes nasty and I don't like being around people when they're drunk or even slightly tipsy.
: Christianity. Though I consider it to be more of my lifestyle than a religion.
: I'm a smart alec! Sarcasm is my main form of communication. I'm also not very patient. I tend to gripe a lot. Not about people, just about stupid stuff. OK, now, before I sound like a jerk, some good qualities. I'm a hopeless, incurable romantic. I'm very affectionate. I've been told I'm kind-hearted. I truly gain pleasure from helping others in any way that I can. I'm also a big kid! I like going to parks to swing and talk and feed ducks.
Pointless Drivel
: I'm a virgin. Yup, I have your attention now!! I plan on staying that way until I find "The One." From there, it's my goal to wait until we're committed to one another (marriage/ committment ceremony/ whatever) before sex. I'm not afraid of it or embarassed by it, I just think it would be cool to wait. That way our relationship can't ever be about just sex. Sex will merely serve to strengthen our relationship, to bond us together. Oh yeah, and to have a lot of fun with!! More pointless drivel... I hate the term "straight-acting" If you're gay, then you're gay. Why not just change the label to "masculine" since that is what's really meant?
Paternal Instinct
: I really want to be a daddy. Not just a father, but a daddy. Perhaps adoption might have to be in my future? I don't know. Specifically, I want a son. I can't really explain it. There's just something in me, my nature, to want a little boy. Maybe it's that silly immortality thing. You know, passing on your legacy to your son. I dunno. But I really love kids, and I really want to be a daddy. I wanna have "daddy's lil man."
Well, that's about it for now. In time I'll add some more pictures and fun stuff like that. If you want to email me, just send it to Take care!!
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