Poems and poetry ideas I have been working on since 2003
I'm in the process of finding a better colour scheme.

steam wood

July 22, 2003

Hay in a cart.
Cart in hay.

hay-dry, yellow, food, parch, can be rough and sharp
cart-metal, mobile, container, had a handle.

July 22, 2003.

Lane 1076.
Hay in a shopping cart.

July 25, 2003

Volx (proper noun), minute, eye contact, opening, bathe-soak, clean, wet, cleansing, hygiene, fresh.

July-August 2003

rulle-don't know what the word means but I think is Danish

July 30, 2003

Ring, ring
The silent voice emerges.

October 24, 2003

Connections-what connects us to others? physical space, experiences, culture, religion. Why should we seek connections? Should we seek connections?

November 20, 2003

Cleansing the data from the vessel.

data-info, facts, what is data, why does it need to be cleansed
vessel-it's size, type, weight, material, shape

December 1, 2003

Emotional promotion, promotional emotion.

December 31, 2003

Something just dawned upon me.
I have a life.
An interesting life.
The life hidden in this body
That needs to spread out.
To live life,
To share my world,
To share my truth.

January 15, 2004.

I'll tell you about my trip tomorrow,
My trip to the rainclouds and back.
The light reigns and illuminates my path.

Don't know if the word 'illuminates' is cliche.

January 29, 2004.

Take your crackers to the
Beyond the hollow land.

February 13, 2004

Take the water,
Break a nail.
Beauty lost and
Beauty gained.

February 17, 2004.

Lance une bulle dans le ciel,

The red river flows
Down the spines.
Would this be the perfect crime?
The moon will rise and the moon will die.
Your cranium is leaking,
What will you do?
Let's go for a holiday!

Rose petals tickle my nose.
Dewdrops dance on my arms.

Flesh for you and flesh for me,
Let's see how deep are we.

Would you like pine needles
Scattered on YOUR floor?

Plaster the Earth with cucumber slices.
Its eyes are tired and blinded by the dark space that
Surrounds it.

Shattered glass.
A scattered soul.
The essence/existence of warmth and cold.
Powers unleashed,
The world is mines to defeat.

The sky is a pastel purple and blue,
A true reflection of my heart so true.
Searching for peace, clinging on to hope,
My life is slippery like a bar of soap.
Winter's night, naked trees,
Do you know what it means to be free?
Passing through my body is the chilling wind.

Where is rest? Where is beauty?

The mark of loneliness,
The scar of pain,
Is this how it feels,
River of Red Remains?

It tunnels, whirls, funnels you in,
Trapped and blinded.

A glass encounter,
The meter is running /tank running out of fuel/pitcher is almost empty.

Wireless experience.
Wire= society, rules, nerves, blood capillaries, some type of connection, past, exes.........

Death's brew=drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, depression, loneliness, violence, self-criticism....

He is like clay,
Easy to mold and easy to break.

Faded blood ---v---- into the ----light----- = a calling, beckoning.....

The hum in the rum,
Flows sweetly in my tum.

Tasteless love/another emotion


Train ride to hell/love/death/insanity/peace/promotion/raise/self-improvement/maritial bliss......

Galaxy of love.

Riding/another ---v---- the wave of Hell.

The poisonous chew
Infecting the few.
He means no harm
As he lacks charm.


Hatch (v)

Light up the ashes in my heart
Before I ---v----- and fall apart.

Drink the swine.

The lady is the bait
To lure him out of his cave.

The greatest high.
The greatest stress reliever.

All he sees is death,
The darkness that consumes his Space.

The powdered winds surfing beneath my feet.

From the grave to the cradle
From nothing to life,
Reborn from the ashes of my past
To have a drink of
True salvation.

Ink of life,
Ink of death.
I will write
Till my last breath.

A glass encounter,
The face of reality.

Name your game
Name your truth.
Have your left your true nature,
The path of night?
Am I alone again,
In the fight against conformity?

The tainted blood fades
Into the pulsing light.
The rebirth,
Eternal salvation.
Blood for blood,
Life for life.
Live with darkness to
Overcome the Darkness.

The only stars I see are
Death's eyes.

Different paths, one life we share.
Work is far from home, yours is not.
I will get there on time, with or without your help

A walking shade of grey,
Following only one man
And surrounded by the winds of temptation.

The greatest high,
The greatest demise.
The greatest love,
For the greatest death.
The greatest world,
For the greatest life.
For the greatest mind,
For the greatest silence.
And so ends the greatest temporal/temporary state.

Sea of love,
Sea of hate.
Will you be my fate/mate/bait?

The night cleanses the soul.
The stars shower the mind with their voices.
The moonlight bathes the spirit.
The wind soaks up all thoughts.
And out comes a clean entity.

The sirens of the city streets,
Calling your name.
The hour has arrived,
Testing your loyalty.
Hell's music, evil's embrace,
On the city streets.

bleed, gain, rain....

border, garden

A bleeding rose. (Christ�s crucifixion)

----adj----- park, fastasy/sci-fi


FFXI emotes=/sleep /sit /provoke /cure /blind /protect /water /heal /drain /steal


The sky is falling.
Are you alright?

wisp (n)

Blood on tap (like beer).

Infest (v)

Infestation (n)

Kiss of life.
Kiss of death.
Our destiny,
My fate.

Telsky (proper noun)

Human nature.
Human instincts.
Human love.
Human=mortal, being ect.......

slay (v)

Working with chickens.
The way they walk and scream,
The way they peck into any conversation.

lair (n)

Avah (proper noun)

Execution (putting something in motion, not death)


Time stops.
More dreams.
More of you.

Elevator=freedom, flight, fly.

Hide in a tub and
Drift away.
Tub=bath, tub of ice cream, tub of margarine/butter......

Slaves (v & n), harsh word but could be true in certain situations.

Gex (proper noun, chemical,science)

Explorer trick.

Festival of Recollections (proper noun)

potion (n)

breed (v)

garden (n)

Your soul is not in you,
It is you.

Supper for the soul.
Reading the highs from your spirit,
Seeing the pain/toture/struggle/torment on your face.

cloak (n & v)

Walk of the living dead.

The love, the hate,
The matrix that surrounds your life.
Choices are made, loyalties broken.

The silent winds that float/----v----- in this world.
Winds=ghosts, spirits, voices in a person's head.

It began 10 years ago and
It will begin again.
A spiritual rebirth.

crypt (n & v)

battalion, brigade, army, legion.....

Stop your invasion, focus on your speciality.
They will come.
The silence in the city streets,
Calling death's game, building his reign. /Calling fear's game, building death's reign.

Full of poison.

I cue.
Ancient frame.
Turquoise sea.
Eagle's eye.
Nature's root.

Bleeding/leaking/seeping/drowning/baking/sizzling/churning/warming/streaming/ bouncing conscious.

Mortal love.

Kiwi juice.

A skunk sipping on kiwi juice.

Evolution (n)
Evolve (v)

Peace, salvation.

What's the point of riches if there is no love
man, woman from same village in China, good friends, sweethearts, young adults.
go to HK to find a better life.
an HK man woos the young woman, they marry and live in a mansion
Out of sympathy, HK man hires man from China as his gardener
HK man finds a younger lady
both woman work, have careers
all but the young woman are in their 50s
gardener sad, knows that woman from China and HK man are intimate (in bed) since they are married
gardener is sad, he has no female companion and the woman from China is competing with the younger girl from HK
gardener lives in the shed, very tidy, well kept
gardener listens to records in his sad, sad music
gardener hangs himself/suicide

Sanity has return.

Love's shadow pierced the heart,
---n----- spawns from the shell.
shell=body, spirit, ocean, fluid, mind, soul, shinny, pretty, feminine, freedom, precious, pearl.

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Taru blog for FFXI

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