Rather, Dixie and Meegen
"The Jerzee Gals"
                   HAIL TO THE HO'S : PT.2
(Escape from Yahell)
There is a group of women that came together by fate,
Each added to the Ho group their own little trait.
Head ho has legs from her toes to her cute little ass,
With her beauty and wit a guy would be nuts to let her pass.
Bad is the Queen of Bondage and you can't help but want more,
She has whips,handcuffs,candle wax and toys galore.
Queen is a beautiful woman to look at, she is quite the sight,
But if shes in a bad mood, she is one girl you don't want to fight.
Mountain ho proved that the best Georgia peaches are the ones you buy,
She is one sexy redhead that is wanted by every guy.
The Backdoor ho has proved that not all sexy women in Texas  are blonde,
She has the ability to take you to another world and beyond.
Good is caring, with a nice set of legs and a gorgeous smile and that is just the start,
She is special enough to catch this pimps glass heart.
Licking is the sweetest girl in Indiana always having on her face a smile,
With a body like hers she can make anything look good no matter what the style.
Dixie is as sweet as they come and still so humble,
Her beauty has made more than one turn his head and stumble.
Single is the one smart Ho who kissed her marriage goodbye,
Her beauty has made more than one man beg on his knees and be left to cry.
The Baby Ho has been busy creating a new Pimp to take my place,
And with his mother's looks all the HO's underneath him will always have a smile on their face.
Pimpin isn't always easy but it is a whole lot of fun,
And we will all always be friends until our chatting days are done. 

                                                     ROCKET   3 - 3 - 00

" SS"
Meet the Ho's

The Head Ho: Had     The Bad Ho : SS

The Queen Ho: Rather    The Good Ho: Meegen

  The Mountain Ho: Patch

The Single Ho: Casey 

The Innocent Ho : Dixie    The Baby Ho: Dawwn

The Pimp Extradonaire:  HEART

"Happy Days in Atlantic City, NJ."
"rather and rep..                            Cheers!'
"Smile it's the second best thing you can do with your mouth"

The Ho's that lick together..stick together"

"If we dew em....they will cum!!"

"It's a HO thing, Ya wouldn't understand"
"Look a Cowgirl... Yeeeeee Hawwwwwww!!!!!!
Hi ya all...
      Sorry Ive been neglecting the page, but with work and school.. i needed to get a new script for valium before i could take it back on.. smiles.. j/k. 
      All here in NJ is well... the season is changing and we are all getting ready for the cold weather.  Re and Dix and I have been busy going out and to concerts.. as often as we can. And ya'all know me.. when I can get them out dancing .. i do. (Hasn't happened in months though.. i do feel the need for it though..)
      The Ho's have been scattered of late... all with things happening in their lives.. changees in schedules.  But we still get together from time to time. So continue to look for us and say hello when ya can...

       Take care........ Meegen 
"Woooooo Hoooooooo, two "Bahama Mamas"                 
~ Special Friends ~
   We would like to mention some of the
special people we have met over the past        year......  Flexcuffs, MadMax, Mainehick, CB, Wolf, Tom, Thick, Des, Play,Jag, Bod, Mooshaker, Militaryman,Heart, King, Knight, Rambo, Joop, Wilson,Southern, and especially......

~  "THE HO"S" ~
SS,  YouHadMeAtHello, Patch, Redhead,dawwn, Casey and indianasweetie.
"Two more chicks for the road..."