Welcome to my World!!!
Greetings, and welcome to my world. I'm Josh and I am building this page to have some fun. My life is boring. If it wasn't for the internet I would die of boredom. Ok so not really I do a lot of other stuff. I am not a computer nerd!!! I live in a small town made mostly of farmers. I can't complain I like farming or at least working on a farm. It is a good summer job. This page has no specific topic. It is just a fun place with fun stuff. I hope everyone likes it. Send me your opinions. I'll post my E-mail address at the bottom of this page.
Misc. stuff I've collected.
Objects in green aren't ready yet.
Here are some cool sound files.
Some quote un quote poetry.
Here are my pictures.
Links to other cool sites!
My friends Josh and Ryan's site.
My brother Brian's homepage.
Happypuppy a great place for games.
Brian and his wife Tracey's business (software training).
My friend Jen's Petz page. Petz is a computer program.
My pal Joe's Site. I got a lot of my images there.
My friend Parker's site. It is dedicated to Jennifer Love Hewitt.
Welcome you are visitor number
since May 10, 1999
This site will be under Construction for a while. Make sure to come back and visit!
Any questions or comments?
E-mail me with them!