Well this is me. Awesome, aren't I.
My links (under revision)
This is the site for my favorite band,Yes. Check it out or face my wrath.
If you'd like to find out more about me, you can view my online profile at Yahoo
And now check out my all new lemon scentedMusic Page!!!
This is the homepage of Roger Dean, an excellent artist, check out his stuff.
And now here's my tribute to the coolest cars in the world...AMC!!!
Gremlin CJ7
No, not a Pantera you Ford fans,  it's an earlier AMC model, the AMX/3!!!
And now, introducing the coolest car ever to run the roads...
The Hornet!!!!
Here are some tasty pics of this masterpiece automobile.
Special thanks goes to theJavelinAMX web page for providing AMC fans everywhere with nothing but the best in American Motors resources on the Web
For more links head to my minty fresh links page!!
Coming soon... The "chicks that have permanently altered my life" page. With features like "ex girlfriends that I hate", "ex girlfriends I don't hate" and "girls with a penis". Okay just kidding about the penis thing, that would be my parents friends.
Here are the ways to get in contact with me online, if you can't get a response from me in one of these ways then you should be shot.

AOL Instant messenger
: Clive1974
Yahoo messenger
: Relayer1974



While you're here why don't you sign my guestbook so I know there's someone out there
(click me)
And take a look at what others have to say about me
The number of people who I've forced to visit this site thus far
Yet again more crap I put on here for a lack of anything better to do