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Autism is a disorder that affects as many as one in ever 150 people.  Of these people, 4 out of 5 are boys.  Diagnosis has truly grown to epic proportions.  Individuals with Autism have difficulties with hyper sensitivity, language and social development, and sometimes motor skills. 
People First Language
As you view my website, please note that I have attempted to use People First language everywhere.  If you do not know what this is, it is basically putting the person before a disability.  Example:  say "child with Autism" instead of "Autistic Child."  The mindset behind this is that people with disabilities are people first (disabled second), and we should regard them in that manner.
This website has been created for the purpose of educating, empowering, and provision of resources.  I hope that it will reach it's intended audience and the information provided will be useful!
About the Creator
Who am I?  You may ask.  My name is Addie Cook, and I am a first grade teacher.  I currently reside in Georgia.  My ultimate goal for life is to become a behavior specialist, specializing in working with Children with Autism.  Through my experiences working in education, I have been blessed to encounter multiple individuals with Autism.  I find that they are truly a blessing in our lives.  I think that too many people are uneducated about this disorder, and that awareness needs to be raised in order to support the cause.  I have been to multiple trainings through the years on inclusive education, and strategies for teaching students with Autism.  I started my career in education as a paraprofessional/attendant for a child with Autism.  That child taught me so much.  He truly blessed my life, and moved me to advocate and promote awareness for individuals with Autism.  I have also tutored students with Autism, developed behavior interventions, and helped other teachers brainstorm ideas for their individual students.  If you have any questions, please submit them to me!  I am also open to any suggestions! Enjoy the site.
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