"The Spirit is an area of growth most of us set aside, half hoping the day will come when some soul-searching peak expreience will lift us out of our ordinary consciousness for a glipse of the sacred and eternal. But we have to prepare our consciousness for taking such a path. We need to change the way we measure time and to relax our insistence on control... Instead of focusing on the time running out, it should be a daily exercise... to mark the moment. The present never ages. Each moment is like a snowflake, unique, unspoiled, unrepeatable, and can be appreciated in it's surprisingness... If everyday is an awakening, you will never grow old. You will just keep growing." - Gail Sheehy |
Occasional Bitch...Man is defined as a human being and Woman is defined as a female. Whenever she tries to behave as a human being she is accused of trying to emulate the male... - Simone de Beauvior |
If you get the chance to have fun then do it. This is the prime of our lives, and we should be having fun. Just be safe while doing it, and if you don't then just don't get caught doing it. :)
And always remember Children in the back seat cause accidents, and accidents in the backseat causes children. |
Page created by: Gabriele Zimmerman