The Land of the Guru's Reborn in 2002!!

Hey My fellow Gooloo's yea in 3 years I finally came up with a name for you guys, *lol*  After being on the back burner and losing my server and a couple computer crashes this site is now reborn and with any luck and a lot of patience it will come back like a bat out of hell!!!

I had to go back to an older version of the site I still had because my server that I was using, "The Globe" decided to pull all sites and I wasn't given any notice... At the moment I am working on this offline and still looking for a lovely new home for us...   Much has changed since I was last "home" on here... I graduated, the was an accomplishment in it self, totalled my baby, "My '90 Camaro" and was about 2 days from becoming a "5150" for those of you who know what that is you know that things have been really rough.  To those of you who have "dissed me and ditched me" the background on here is just for you.  Once this is up and on the go the features are gonna change and its gonna have a bit of a different feel. If you wanna find me I'm on all of these... 

July 25, 2002

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Downtown finally closed, good riddance