yeah this is sanity

Really..This Is My Sanity...  :P


The Intro

   Hey, welcome webpage that I made out of pure boredom with a minimal amount of knowledge of how to make these things. My name is Ashley and I live outside of Memphis,TN, USA. I stand about 5'6, medium layered blonde hair, and crystal blue eyes. I'm pretty thin and I'm athletic. My hobbies range from driving around the city and hanging out with friends to causing trouble and learnin how to play the guitar.

I am a Computer Animation/Special Effects College Student. This page is always changing as I'm always adding on things and taking stuff out. Such as, my next project.. maybe adding and taking out some of the pictures mess. I finally changed the picture on the left from a picture of when I was 14 to a picture of when I was 17. The picture is only 2 years old this time. But...that's about what I look like. Woo. I've made other pages that link off of here which you can find somewhere up there. One of them has *pictures of me* and more info about me and there are some others for you to check out! Sign my Slambook down at the bottom if you feel it necessary.
   Oh, let me make this a warning: There is some material (language, pictures, quotes, etc.) on here not meant for you youngin's! So, don't come whinin to me if you get caught where you shouldn't be...mmkay?!