Welcome to Lester's Home Page
This is my home Email addres
Here are some pic's of me and others
1.  A pic of Me and my Car
This is just a pic of me and my car at my old  apartment
2.  A pic of my mom & Me
This is my Mom and I at Canobe Lake, just chilling out after trying out the rides.
3.  A pic of Family
This is a pic of My Sister, Brother, and Neice(Sister's daughter)
4.  A pic of Elizebeth
This is a pic of my neice.  I call her the "Boggie Monster" cause she is just a little Sweetieeeee.
5.  A pic of Mingie
This is a pic of my Cat.  Her name is pronounced like this      - - - -       Ming Yie.   ask and I'll explain.
6.  A pic of Mingie
Another pic of my Sweetieeeeee.  I have had her for over 11 years.  She is a Calico Tiger.
7.  Army pic
This is me Training a new Driver, on the M551-AARV(Army Air Reconnesance Vehicle), while I was stationed out in the Mojave dessert, in California.
8.  Army pic
This is my Squard Leader, and I while we were in our 2 weeks of training in Fort Drum NY.  We were just chilling out after a battle.
9.  Army pic
This is the plane that we jumped from while performing a tactical take over of a landing zone.  This was my third jump.  Not that scary, but fun
10.  Tattoe
I have 2 Tattoe's already, one on my back and the other on my right arm.  This will be my third and I am not sure where I am going to put it.
11.  Badgirls
This is me, and a couple of the Bad Girls.  We party alot and get together to do stuff (get your mind out of the gutter, not that type of stuff).  These three I call "Pepsi",    "Joy-Jelley"    "Sober"      give me a write and I'll tell you how and why they have those names.
This is my home email adress, but you can also reach me at

I was that which others did not want to be.

I went where others Feared to go, and did what others Failed to do.  I asked nothing from those who gave nothing, and reluctantly accepted the thought of eternal loneliness....        should I fail.

I have seen the Face of terror;  Felt the stinging cold of Fear;  and enjoyed the sweet taste of a moments love.

I have cried, Pained, and Hoped....  but most of all, I have lived times others would say were best Forgotten.

At least someday I will be able to say that I was proud of what I was..........  a Soldier
Most people wonder who I am, but it is so difficult to tell you in words.  I found this info on another website, and thought that this best says who I am.  Just click on the pic above and it will take you there.  I know it is kind of long, but if you read it through, you will know who I am and what I am about.

Thanks for reading

les !
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