Shazia's WebPage
Last Updated
November  9, 2000
Hi my name is Shazia....and thanks for visiting my webpage!! and please don't forget to sign my guestbook....
I am still trying to finish up this thing....its really hard to make these pages and also takes a long time too.....

I would just like to thank all the people that  helped me make this happen.....I couldn't have done it with out you guys...thanks again..(you know who you are....:)

Here is some stuff about me......

I am currently a junior at
The University of Michigan-Dearborn.......with a major in Communication.  Actually I keep changing what I want to go into like every week but as of now I want to go into Law School in two years inshallah and I will be done by 2005 with Law School, and be a Corporate Lawyer. Or I could just do a double major in Communication and MIS and do something with that, besides all that I want to be something when Im older and I guess I'll find out whenever that  happens.

My Religion is that makes me can also visit the MSA website at our university.

Some things I like to do in my free time is: surf the web, shopping, hanging out with friends, tennis, basketball, volleyball, badminton, watch indian and american movies, tv, and listen to both desi and american songs, and spend time with my
wonderfull family.....

Some kinds of people that annoy me are:
FOBs (really funny page about them if you dont know....) and  ignorant people....and wanna bees....i think thats it for now.

My Cool links Page

My Bollywood Page

My Nephews Pictures

My  Cool
Stuff Page

Here are some of my pages...
Come meet my family..... click on the door...
Come see my cars......
My cousin had a baby and.....
It's a Boy!!!
you can also
click here to see the pics
Here are my New Pictures
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