Debbie & Teddi's Friends
Now Teddi here is not a Friend she is my Sister,
Who is responsable for making all these cute anamations.,
Of Our Friends for me. Thanks Teddi LOVE YOU!!!
Hi i'm Dorothy when I need to go home I just click my,
heels 3 times and say "Theres No Place Like Home"!
Hi i'm Jean I'm so happy to be out of the "DELI"!!!
I can't stop danceing I dance all around the Front-End,
and now I get to dance all around the office.
Click here to see Jean being so DAM Happy LOL,
Hi i'm Jenny and I'm going to Marry the Man of My Dreams!
Got to get to the Church on Time!
Jenny is also our Guardian Angel of ICQ!!!
Hi i'm Bryon and I love my Chocolate Milk !!!
Bryons Our baby but he uses to many flannel sheets LMAO!!
This is Jack he is always showing off his butt lol!!!
Opps I think The cops are after Jack for showing his butt!!! LMAO!
This is our friend Polly.,
trying to maintain her composure!!!
OK this is Debbie (ME) taking my bath!
OK this is Dave!
Dave was our Santa at work and he was GREAT!!!
P.S. Got you right under me Sweety LOL.
Now "NO" Peeking under my curtain!
OK bath time is done time for the beach!
OK now Jenny & Bryon was caught in the act!
So Jen you was makeing fun of my not haveing BOOBS huh!!
OK now Bryon you show yours First LMAO.
Bryon Just Know that"WE LOVE YA MAN"
Hi I'm Tammy somebody HELLLLLLLP ME!!!
Click here to see why Tammy needs help!
Ok now we have Jim here, and we call him,
Chief Sweety Pie the Chicken Catcher!!!!!
Click here to see why!
Ok now we have Joe here,
We have known Joe for MANY MANY Years!!
Joe has his baby with him and his baby
is trying to teach Joe the various ways
of looking mean Because Joes TOO nice all the time LOL.
Baby's even tossed in the sound effects
Click here to see why!
Please Visit Our Friends Page 2.
Just click on the Blooming Rose------>>>>
on the right side of the page.
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Just click on the banner and start getting paid to surf the Net. I Get Paid why not"You".