Welcome to RaChelsea's Homepage!!
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Well...If you haven't figured it out by now, I AM a Christian. This entire website reflects who I am. It will give you an idea of who I am, what I believe, and what is important to me in my life. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will always be first on my list. My family is next and then my friends. I try my best to ive my life the way God wants me to. I don't believe in trying to "bulldoze" anyone into a religion because right off the bat one will take offense. However, I am more than willing to share my faith with those who ask or are open to listening. I just feel that my life has been totally changed for the better since I gave my life up to Christ. I enjoy sharing the happiness, the no longer "empty" feeling or void, the comfort, and just the unconditional love that God has for me and everyone else. I still have to go through my share of life problems and trials. But I found that when I have God to turn to for help during those times, that it makes going through them a little easier to handle and peaceful than without him. I thank and Praise God for my salvation and I pray that someone new comes to know and experience His love.
May God Bless you!