
12/30/08 - Site Reopened!

5/20/05 - My domain is finally up. I haven't worked on it very much because work has literally been killing me. I haven't had much time to do anything, & when I do have time I've been too lazy. But the good news is that the new site will be one of my priorities over the next month or so.
Mood: tired
Music: Ready Steady Go (Fullmetal Alchemist Theme)

5/8/05 - Blah. My domain took longer than I expected to get set up. It's finally registered, but I'm still having problems putting it all together. Yeah this stuff is all new to me so yeah. Once I learn how to work it, it'll be up. I've already got the new layout designed. It's gonna be really pretty! Well at least I think it's pretty lol. Anyways I think I'm gonna go get some sleep but one more thing before I go.

♥ Happy Mother's Day to the GREATEST Mom in the WORLD! I LOVE YOU MOMMA!! ♥

Mood: good
Music: The Dream Will Not Die (Tales of Phantasia Theme Song)

4/25/05 - Great news! My new web hosting account has been set up! The domain should be up & working within a couple of days! I've already got stuff to add to the site such as wall papers, more icons, & a surprise or 2!
Mood: good
Watching: Star Gate SG-1 on TV

4/23/05 - Tiny update here. I took the toy box off of the splash page & put it on it's own page under the You section. I also made some more pixels. *yawns* It's 2:15 here so I'm heading to bed now. Might update later.
Mood: tired
Doing: going to sleep

4/19/05 - This isn't really an update. I just want the world to know that I'm in an AWESOME mood!! *sings & dances around the room* I love a great superhero movie that has a happy ending! Oh yeah. The news of the day is that I bought my own domain! Geocities is okay, but I want bigger things! So yeah. As soon as the transaction is finalized, I'll be moving this site to cerulean-fantasy.net. And that's it for me!
Mood: super dorky
Watching: Spiderman 2 on DVD

4/14/05 - Okay so I finished the splash page. It kind of sucks but it works for now. I'll redo it later if I think of something else. I did some more pixel smilies. And I think I'm gonna work on advertising this site so I can get more traffic. Anyways I have a headache now so that's it for me. I'll be working alot so I probably won't be able to update again until Sunday.
Mood: got a headache
Watching: Inuyasha on TV

4/13/04 - All of the major content should now be in the new layout. The only sections I didn't redo yet are the first pages from the original site! There may be a few in site links that'll open new windows probably due to the old frame targeting that I might've missed. All links out of my site open in new windows. All links to dead sites have been struck out. The next thing that I will be working on is pixel art. The blue smileys are my first attempt. They suck but hey, they're mine! Oh I'll also be working on a new Splash page.
Mood: okay
Music: Backstreet Boys - Incomplete (call me a teenybopper & I'll kick you!)

4/7/05 - Here we go! I had to scrap the original layout & completely redo it because I just didn't like the coloring! I made a mistake when I saved it as a GIF, which reduced the amount of shades in it. Only people who have experience with coloring, shading & such would be bothered by it. My friend Josh has been teaching me about all of that stuff so blame him!! Haha! But yeah. Now every thing's all fixed! Time to fix everything else, which I will be working on over the course of the weekend.
Mood: accomplished
Music: Tales of Phantasia - The Dream Will Not Die

3/10/05 - New layout! Pretty decent for my first DIV style layout huh? I got lots of help from a couple of tutorials.

Concept & Coding Help: Frozen Ice Graphics
Layout Graphic Tutorial: Starlight Designs
Graphics Tutorial: Seiya

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Picture: Kagome
& Inuyasha
"Every Heart"
by BoA
Font: Monotype


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