We are so happy you stopped by our mIRC,
Smoking-flirting-friends web site. If you would like
to come chat with us on mIRC just go to download
at the right of this msg. Stop by dalnet..hebron or St
Louis servers and come chat with some of the best smokers
in this world!! Also look for these other great smoking sites..
#Smoking_Palace and #smoking-glamour
Smoke Signals- Website dedicated to sexy women who smoke...and built for those who love them.
Smoking from all sides- Site with the pros and cons of smoking..Great links.
Joe's Smoking Fetish Page- Cool site! Lots of Links!
Antoinette's Smoking Page- See A and all her Friends..Also live Web Cam..come to mIRC dalnet Server Hebron..channel #Antoinette for info
Women Smoking Cigars Message Board
Linny's World- Where longnails and smoking come together.(Great Pics)
alt.smokers.glamour-Dissussion of smoking as a object of attraction.
Flirts- Good Clean Fun!
All Hail the Power of Duct Tape
School of Flirting- Let us teach you how.
Jazzie's Place- Look for Jazzie on #Smoking_Palace
All Hail the Power of Duct Tape
Shaw's Clipart & Webateria- Cool Site for Something different.
Joe Bates Outer Limits- Looking for something different?
#Smoking-Glamour- Homepage for mIRC site.
Check out our new Smokin Wavs Room!!!!
Looking for the best clipart on the web??? Check out our new SMOKIN clipart site!!! It has everything you need to make your own SMOKIN site!!
Please stop by and Visit Candys Page.
This page is dedicated to one of our MOST
LOVED members. Please E-Mail a message
and we will post it to her web site!
Click the Angel.
Wow! We have some of the best partys. Here is LadySalem Duct taping da3.
You Go Girl!!
Flirtin Flo
Check out Maria Maria
Smoking Delights!

Do you have a SMOKIN SITE ?
Do you know of a SMOKIN SITE?
Want to win the first ever SMOKIN SITE AWARD?
Jazzie's Place
GMS & Saja
Nasty Ned
Maria's Smoking Delights
Amateur Pics
We have started a Amateur Pic site here ...if you have some smoking pics you would like to show please e-mail the Web Mistress. Your pics will also have a link back to your web site or e-mail addy.
Thanks for stopping by!!
E-Mail Here