Teaching the
Power  Paragraph
  One of the most important skills that students must develop in school is their writing technique.  Effective writing is a skill that most students will need throughout their entire lives, whether the need will be through higher education or through the workforce. Thus, the existing high demand for efficient and valuable methods of teaching writing skills must be met.  Through designing a website that gives all Middle School and High School teachers, especially in the subject of English, a useful guide to teaching paragraph structure, I hope to help in meeting this demand for an effective method of instruction.  Just follow the 10 easy steps on the right.  Each step is self explanatory, and within each section you will find other supplementary resources that will enhance your lesson.  Happy teaching!
10 Easy Steps
STEP 1: Orientation to the "Power Paragraph"
STEP 2: Make Power Poster
STEP 3: Example Paragraphs
STEP 4: Power Statements
STEP 5: Marking the Pieces
STEP 6: Brainstorming
STEP 7: Drafting
STEP 8: Refining and Final Draft Activities
STEP 9: Assessment
STEP 10: Further Exploration
INDEX of Student Handouts
My Info:
Michael Garcia
Secondary Education Major:
Arizona State University
Other Helpful Sites
Click here for other helpful sites
A special thanks goes out to Barbara Eddy of Greenfield Jr. High in Gilbert, AZ for her guidance on the "Power Paragraph"