Hi!!! Welcome to hell...it's looking MUCH bright nowadays though

I'm soooo happy you could drop in

Hi I'm AintGotYou A.K.A. Steve
Thanks for checking out my latest addiction.

Here's a little info about me: I'm 31, separated, no kids(that i know of). I love messing around with computers, playing with my Cocker Spaniel(Oakley)and last but not least...SANDY!!!The Jeep is gone now, and replaced with a nice shiny new black Ford Ranger 4X4. Oh yeah, GO JEFF GORDON!!!

Hopefully as things progress here i'll be adding some more links to things that interest me, as well as more pictures of me, my friends and whatever else i can think of. I'm always open to suggestions so feel free to voice your opinions.

I just love e-mail!!! Send me some here

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Links to other sites on the Web

South Parks Finest

Parrotheads Unite

Jeep Stuff

Bruce Stuff

Kewl 'Puter Stuff

My friend Kristie's Page

Thanks for dropping by, things will be changing as time goes on...

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