Welcome to ®ô§é'§ homepage!
Hey wassup!!!!! My interests r v-ball, pochacco and boyz, not that I'm boy crazy or anything. ^__^ I know this page kinda stinks and really reaks but I'll try mah best to get some more time so that I can spend it on working on mah page.
I'd like to give shout outs to all mah fellow asias from aa, all da peepz on mah ICQ list and all da peepz who be reppin da 416/905 area!! Especially all mah sistaz and bros out dere! If anyone be wondering where I be reppin, I be reppin Jane N Finch!! Da bomb!!
U can contact me if u have ICQ. My UIN is 10029774 or u can
For info on me, click here!

Here is mah Pochacco collection!!

Here's a sample for ya! Blow urself away! =Þ
Click above to see mah collection of asian pix.

Above is a da link to mah Asian Avenue payge, if y'all have da time, please check it out and sign dat gbook too!

Click the rose above to see some pix of me and mah friendz.
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th visitor since Feb. 24,1999
Lots of thanx to my couz, aka (V)ichael, for all his help on creating this hp for me. U can e-mail him if u want to. U can also contact him by ICQ, his UIN is 9876032.