Welcome ....
Hi, Mikey here, so this is my homepage...I hope you like it. On it you will find pics of my favorite tennis player and all round glamour girl Anna Kournakova plus some other babes that i have picked out while surfing the net or that I had taken interest in. I also have a SouthPark Page and a Jacques Villeneuve page.
Me and renee
This is a Pic of me and my best friend Renee. It was taken some time ago at her year 12 social. If you were wondering, My name is Michael, on the net i am known as Mikey or Abzz coz people i know call me Abo=>. I am 21 and from Melbourne Australia!

I work for a company named Chess J Wilson removals, so if your in Melbourne and wanting to move house, call on 13 14 69 for a free quote!

Just one easy click here AND BECOME A MILLIONAIRE. Just read it and follow the points at the bottom and i will send you the report. It costs you nothing and and is very easy! I gave it a go and its working for me.


Well that is my car.. should i say was... now below is the same car, believe it or not, AFTER it has hit a tree!! Opps, and yes i was the driver, and i got out okay!!

Here are a bunch of Friends i have on the net and in real life...

Just Click here to see them. Maybe you will see a pic!!!

If you have any suggestions about my page or any Pictures you want on my page E-mail me. Just click on the icon on the left (If it doesn't work my e-mail address is abo38@hotmail.com)

ICQ me on 14190253 ICQ me on 14190253

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Alamak chat line
Yahoo search engine
Chess Removals
Essendon Footbal Club (AFL)

To see more, click here!!
You will see pictures of Anna Kournakova, Cindy Crawford, Jenifer Aniston, Isla Fisher and more and more as time rolls on!

Click here to see SouthPark
Check out the funniest cartoon on the T.V here!!! See pictures, information and sound files!!

Click here to see this F1 champ
Get pictures and information about Jacques Villeneuve

CounterVisits since June 22 1998
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