As some of you may know I co-Goddess a MUSH with Spike(Pete) and Angelus(Rene).  Below are some logs maining from that MUSH which is called Star Trek:  Legacy.  However there are some interesting tidbits from other places.




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Thu, January 31, 2002

Strange New Worlds

Log taken during a MUSHwide TP at SNW.  Great wave that came in and re-arranged the universe.  Log is taken from the point of view of T'Pesh and is un-editted.
CAST: Too many players to list them all.

Tue, March 19, 2002

Strange New Worlds

Log taking from Lucia's (a Starfleet Captain) point of view.  Some aspects have been.  The log is virtually uneditted so when you read it you'll be viewing from the perspective of Lucia.
CAST: Lucia, Jetrel-Ryu, Roger, Tonak, Raster, Stilcho, Stepanko, Jimmy,.

Thu, April 4, 2002

Star Trek: Restoration

Roleplay about this big mean crazy dude named Maven (NPC) on STR. TP by Angelus.
CAST: T'Pesh, Maven(NPC), Ronai, Ullan, Kersey, Cooper, Juneau, Aiah, N'aal, Eldric.

Sat, April 6, 2002

Star Trek: Restoration

Some entity encountered by T'Pesh.
CAST: T'Pesh, Entity(NPC)

Sun, April 7, 2002

Star Trek: Restoration

Investigation into shooting by Character Ullan of another Character named Hendricks during regular roleplay on the game.
CAST: T'Pesh Ullan Hendricks Kage Aymond Blake

Mon, April 8, 2002

Star Trek: Restoration

Continuation of  investigation into shooting by Character Ullan of another Character named Hendricks during regular roleplay on the game.
CAST: T'Pesh Aymond Blake Hoosier Cooper N'aal Kersey Ullan

Sun, April 14, 2002

Star Trek: Restoration

Continuation of  investigation into shooting by Character Ullan of another Character named Hendricks during regular roleplay on the game.
CAST: T'Pesh Trysten

Tue, April 29, 2003

Star Trek: Restoration

From the point of view of Isis (Me) an Admin on STR at the time in charge of the independent players.  I'd set out to proove that if you go out and start RP with someone they will RP with you.
CAST: well alot main players are the NPC character I assumed and a PC named Slate.

Wed, May 1, 2002

Star Trek: Restoration

RP between T'Pesh and Ullan in preparation of his trial. From T'Pesh's point of view.
CAST: T'Pesh Ullan

Sun, May 5, 2002

Star Trek: Restoration

Ullan's Trial for the shooting of Hendricks.
CAST: Blake Ullan Moore Hoosier Hendricks T'Pesh Starr

Fri, May 10, 2002

Star Trek: Restoration

TinyPlot run by Angelus
CAST: Tai-Jinn Haley Dhiemm Linda Hendricks

Sat, May 11, 2002

Strange New Worlds

TP by Phoenix on SNW on the planet of Efros.
CAST: Tonak, Fyre, Redfeather, Angelica(NPC)

Sun, June 23, 2002

Star Trek: Restoration

Alternate Dimension Trek RP in TP by Angelus.
CAST: Jim, T'Pesh

Mon,  July 15, 2002

Strange New Worlds

Log of me as an Admin named Phoenix on SNW explaining the difference between OOC and IC to a Newbie.
CAST: Phoenix, Kun, Gruffudd.

Tue, September 24, 2002

Star Trek: Restoration

JAG Investigation.  Written from the point of view of T'Pesh the investigating JAG officer.
CAST: Ruvick T'Pesh Cooper Ojax Aymond

Sun, January 26, 2003

Strange New Worlds

From the point of view of S'tone.  This is a log of household RP aboard a ship.
CAST: T'Pesh, Rene, Sennya, S'tone.

Sun, April 20, 2003 

Star Trek: Restoration

Wedding of Sumta Venora and Shintu. Unclean log includes channel and OOC chatter.
CAST: Sumta Shintu Cooper Goldfinger Starr Ruu Moore Eldric Dvel Lerro Droeg Jagan'iklan.

Mon, October 27, 2003

Star Trek: Legacy

Log taken from the point of view of a player named Ferrovia.  The log is unedited so when you read it, you'll be looking through Ferrovia's eyes.
CAST: Ferrovia, Dvel, Julie, Iridian, Matcat, M'Reisa, Franky, Jimmy(NPC).

Sat, October 31, 2003

Star Trek: Legacy

Log taken from several point of views but editted to appear completely in the 3rd person narrative.
CAST: Matcat, Buffy/female Q(NPC), Ferrovia, Julie, Jimmy(NPC), male Q(NPC).

Sat, November 1, 2003

Star Trek: Legacy

More Fun with the Ferrovia's.  This log is taken from Julie's Point of view.
CAST: Julie, Ferrovia, Jonathan.

Sat, November 1, 2003

Star Trek: Legacy

The infamous Ferrovia and his mob getting new employees. From Julie's Point of View.
CAST: Ferrovia, Julie, Iridian, Fixit, McBride.

Mon. November 3, 2003

Star Trek: Legacy

A tour of the MUSH through the eyes of a New Player.  Point of view starts out as that of a guest character and then that of a New Player.
CAST: Guest/Newbie(played by Buffy) and Angelus

Thu. November 20, 2003

Star Trek: Legacy

A session of a leadership Seminar given at Starfleet Academy for Command Staff. 
CAST: Sitak(FC/NPC), Hayes(FC/NPC), Sarah, Len, Haru, Wesley(NPC).

Sat. June 19, 2004

Star Trek: Legacy

An awards ceremony honoring the class of 2370 from SFA.
CAST: Sitak(FC/NPC), Sarah, R'ull, Haru, Orarin, Givur, Hunter, Seacrest, O'neill, and Cohen.

Fri. January 5, 2007

Star Trek: Legacy

A court trial by a new race of people who are pre-warp just prior to being infiltrated by Starfleet. Players: Azra, Narcesis, Priestess(NPCS), Old Man(NPC), and Young Boy(NPC).

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