Welcome to Squeaky's Home-Page!
Squeaky's Homepage!

Welcome to Squeaky's Homepage

~My Guardian Angel~

Please bookmark this site now! Win an award, take a new survey each week and I hope you enjoy your stay.

Memories from Mock Trial 1998-1999
My Mock Trial Team Memories from last year
Win Awards!
Choose from many awards for you to win for your homepage!
A tribute to the victims of the Columbine High School Shooting
Take A Survey
Take a new survey each week!
Take a look at the awards I've won and even apply for some!
Please Sign my Slambook!
Some helpful tips on Babysitting
Banner Exchange and Link Me
Here you can take one of my banners and link it back to me, please
A very sad poem
Yes, another book for you to sign. Please!!
All of my cyber-pets that I have adopted
Message Forum
Post anything here.
Some cool music!
Here are some of my favorite tunes
San Diego Padres Dedication
A special page dedicated to my favorite baseball team, the San Diego Padres!
My Christian Chat-Room
Games, games and more games!
Play some great games!
My Friends!!
A page dedicated to all my friends!
Here are links to great sites!
Talk Soup
If you're a fan of the show, Talk Soup, click here!
See what webrings I have joined
Take this test
Thank yous
My Thank you/Credits Page
Web Dolls
Take a look at web dolls I have collected
Suggestions, Bad Links, etc.
Is there a bad link on my page or do you have a suggestion? Use the form here to contact me about anything on my page :-)
Contact Me
Ways to contact me
Different causes I support
Add your link!
Add your link here. It's quick and easy!
New Guestbook
Different guestbook, but I still have my old guestbook (link located near the bottom of the page), so here's a brand new guestbook to sign.
Check here to see what has been updated on my page.
See what cliques I have joined
Old Guestbook
My old guestbook for you to sign, please.
Sister Sites
My Sister Sites
Information and pictures on the WWF.
Cute e-mails
Here are some cute e-mails I have received.
A page dedicated to angels.
Mock Trial 2000!
The Mock Trial Team '99-'00.
Mock Trial 2001!
The Mock Trial Team '00-'01.
Mock Trial 2002!
The Mock Trial Team '01-'02.

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My URL: http://welcome.to/squeaky

I got it for free at http://home.v3.com

You are listening to "This I Promise You" by *Nsync