Welcome to the TxKid Homepage
All About Me
HOWDY BUCKAROOS! This is my official homepage. It has been online now for over four years now. For those of you who don't know yet I am David Spector otherwise known as the TxKid on IRC and some of the html chat networks. I have had this name since the early 90s when I was in Lubbock. Some of you might also know me for my other name on IRC ]Mr_Butts. I moved into my new home in west central Hanford California seven years ago after two years on the north side of the city.
April 12, 2009
I really don't know what to say. My brother died yesterday in his sleep. It's like he was just talking to me about our horses and two weeks later he's gone. He paid for the Christmas gifts for my children in 2007 when I had legal bills which ran up to the point I could not afford to buy any gifts for them. That made for a wonderful holiday for three children who otherwise would not have been able to enjoy the holidays. I will never forget that. I miss you Paul.
Angie my sweetheart. I love you.
The David and Angela wedding page can be found here
Previous Additions and Updates to this page can be found here
I can also be found on myspace.com
Our 2005 cross country vacation can be found here
Follow the construction of our house here
My music page can be found here
The Hanford Heat Wave fantasy football team which we own can be found here
My 2008 NFL preview is available here
My just say no page is located here
Some views of Hanford can be found here
The highlights of the move from Billings to Hanford can be found here
The best quotes from my days in Billings can be found here
Some views of Billings can be found here
My pictures of Fort Peck are can be found here
My Waterton/Glacier page can be found here and my Helena page can be found here
My San Francisco Bay Area Page can be found here
My Sequoia National Park Page can be found here
My Yosemite National Park Page can be found here
Pictures of the 2000 Kaweah Avenue Christmas lights festival in Tulare can be found here
My hotlink San Joaquin Valley Weather Page is now located here
Pictures from the violent thunderstorms of April 28, 2005 can be found here
Pictures from the violent thunderstorms of October 29, 2007 can be found here
The first publication that I have worked on in quite some time is available by clicking here
One paper was not enough for me. So I published another one. I put documents online when I feel like it. This paper is available by clicking here
Publication #3 is out. I gave the public a sneak preview of it in September, 1999 at the Great Divide Workshop in Billings. You can now see it online by clicking here
My first publication in since my move in 2000 is online. You can now see it online by clicking here
My Picture Gallery is located here
Wherever I May Roam
I hang out on several IRC channels. The following are channels that I often hang out on both Dalnet and Undernet.
Some Facts About Myself
I was born on the day The Washington Post broke out the story that several Generals were lying about what was going on in Indochina. February 27, 1968.
I've seen myself in three live music videos so look for me on MTV. They are the following.
Bon Jovi - Backdoor Santa (cover) Jul. 1987 Largo, MD
Suicide Machines - Permanent Holiday Jun. 2000 Fresno, CA
Papa Roach - Broken Home (Live Version) Aug. 2000 Bakersfield, CA
We Don't Need No Education
Well unfortunately for the cannibals who run all of the big companies I have a strong educational background. I will start from 8th grade go on to my post graduate work.
Cooper Middle School 1981-1982
Langley High School 1982-1986
Purdue University 1986-1990
Texas Tech University 1991-1993
Workin For A Livin
After two years in Lubbock as a teaching assistant, I got my start from a private company in Perrysville, PA in March 1994. I was there for around three months then joined the National Weather Service. I really hated leaving the Pittsburgh area since I had many friends there. I was sent to the office in Medford Oregon in July 1994 then was transferred to the office in Billings Montana in September 1997. After 2 1/2 years in Billings, I was promoted and transferred the office in Hanford California in March 2000 issuing heavy snow warnings and such.
If you have any questions about this page, please feel free to e-mail me at txkid@yahoo.com