Welcome to the home of N1BOW Amateur Radio
Greetings from the shoreline community of Niantic, Connecticut USA: where the trains roll by, the radio's a talk'n, and the sand gets between your toes. My job is a television broadcast engineer. My hobbies are Amateur Radio (N1BOW is my callsign), SKYWARN, IRLP, model railroading, and railfanning. I enjoy my son and daughter, Chris and Caty, and the beach.

To visit some of my favorite sites, just click on a logo.

The American Radio Relay League, the birthplace of Ham Radio, located in Newington, Connecticut
Check out the AC6V Amateur Radio And DX Reference Guide, featuring 132 pages, 6000 links, and 700 topics on DX and Ham Radio
The Brent Jessee Recording Homepage: Digital Audio, Video, Hi-Fi, Vacuum Tubes and other neat stuff, with other cool Website links, too!
The National Weather Service for Southern New England and Long Island, located in Upton, New York
A division of the American Radio Relay League which assists the National Weather Service
Listen to one of England's best FM radio stations, live from London
A great site to find detailed information on your favorite radio station in the US and Canada
The ONLY way to travel
Stay up to date on the latest news as Amtrak battles Congress to stay alive
Ever wonder how they get trains from one point to another? See how it's done with this simulator from Signal Computer Consultants
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway
Railroad Videos, Books and RailNews Magazine
A magazine on railroading in the Northeast
THE Magazine for today's railroads
Home of the Union Pacific Railroad
The Railroad Internet Directory. Over 4000 railroad related links to choose from.
"Does anybody really know what time it is??" The National Institute of Standards and Technology does!!
My Dad's favorite: a site dedicated to those who flew in World War II
See how the combination of Amateur Radio and the Internet creates a new mode of communications; You can contact me on Node 5960 or portable node 4656 when it is online
"No other place on earth has better weather"
Click for Niantic, Connecticut Forecast The latest weather conditions from Niantic, CT
Where I work: WTNH, The ABC-TV affiliate for Connecticut
Our sister station: The My Network TV affiliate for Connecticut

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, or know of a railroad or amateur radio related site, please e-mail me by clicking on the N1BOW logo below. My deepest appreciation goes to my son Chris for designing the site. Thanks for stopping by, and as we say in railfanning, have a safe ride wherever you go. 73, Phil.

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