Welcome To Christina's Website!!!!!




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Hey ppl :) welcome to my page..  feel free to look around  there are alot of good things in here.. especially my pics hehehe.. but anyways hope you like what you see and if you care to .. sometime give me a holler in my guestbook :).. or see my poems ive gathered on the internet or email (no i didnt write them) and also the collection of powerpuff girls pics :).. well hope u have fun.. see ya pplz later
o( (.) (.) )o
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Rikkee- aNiMaL!! you so awesome.. how mnay hickeys have u had now?? lol and who were they from?? stay cool babydoll

Ash-Yo Pitch! It's all gravy BABY!! we need to "make up" more often lol.. "HEY JULIET".. lets get it on sweetcheeks!!

Sara-Powderpuff football rules.. seniors win!! we make a great team.. ur my great receiver, and I'm the star quarterback!!

Rachel- RIP Mr. Stud!! Ill miss him, and ill never forget that one night we had together lol PPF 2002 way to be a great lineman!!

Patricia- You just had to be so rough with Mr. Stud.. how could u forget he was inflatable? He was so fragile, but always remember i had him first haha

Lauren-Yo stop-- come on over and listen... banana ice says Lauren's nice nice baby!!

Paula- u are the doughnut queen!!  Oh yea, you still make me feel really tall lol :)

Katie- I'll miss the talks we had in algebra 3, but u really need to stop being so nosy lol.. who cares who i like.. but thanx for being that way, u made me les bored each day in class :)

Chey- I miss you girl.. those weeks in texas were the best.. i gotta get u down here sometime.. and remember i get all the guys, you get my hand me downs lol

Hope - Howdy! i want ur car.. and oh yes i will have it!! lol have fun in chickiwhatever its called.. lol

To everyone i forgot or left off puposefully:
     "Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow may bring the end, but somewhere in the middle, we all became good friends."
WELCOME friends, followers, enemies,  thugs, preps, peeps, freaks, and geeks to my wonderful webpage of everyone's favorite subject and of course mine too.....

If u havent guessed my name is Christina.. but just call me CiCi for short.. im 5'10 with brown blond hair blue eyes tan and athletic.. play softball 11 months out of the year.. why do i not say the whole year?? well i do have a weekend here and there when i dont do ANYTHING softball so i felt no need to round up.. im very picky and since im a VIRGO i tend to be a perfectionist, one of my flaws.. i am far from perfect.. i beat myself up (not literally) over miniscule stuff.. have a horrible habit of biting my nails and not just when im nervous but usually all the time.. oh and also i sometimes use big words and miss spell them,  use them at the wrong time, with stupid ppl who don't understand or at the completely wrong moment and i feel very stupid.. thats my thing i hate the most.. the feeling of feeling stupid infront of ppl who judge you.. i really like it when im in a new group and ppl make me feel welcome i try to do that whenever i can.. which is why i have some younger  friends on the softball team.. who will remain nameless but they are on my list of ppl to the left.. i have no idea why i put stuff about my friends but its alot of fun remembering stuff with them.. some of my friends are new and some old.. all either from softball or school..    hehe  i LOVE to talk.. just be aware with me cause i can be scary hehe

Now on to softball (my other life).. ever since i was 4 and playing catch, and practicing with my brothers baseball team (when id shag the balls and throw better then half of the boys 5 years older than me)ive always wanted to play summer ball.. so i played up in tball with guys a year older and i was one of the best hitters, fielders and throwers... so when i was in school finally and proved i was leaps and bounds over the weaklings of girls at my school.. my dad had me play with a competitive 10 yr old team when i was 8 cause i really wanted to play throughout the whole summer like my older bro.. so playing with and against girls that seemed double my weight and height.. i actually did pretty well and eventhough i was too small to actually hit the ball somewhere.. i bunted and moved baserunners.. (everyone  thought i was SOOOOO CUTE!!).. so anyways i next played with girls my own age at age 9 and have been ever since moving to one traveling team called the Sooner Heat for 5 long but good years.. till my dad said something about the coaches daughter and they asked me not to come back to their team.. eventhough i was the only pitcher then and after i left the team didnt make it through the next season (but im not bragging u see) i then moved to a less talented team but had alot more fun cause i wasnt getting made fun of and mocked on this new team.. the coaches and players noticed my talent and i finally became a leader instead of a follower.. our team did surprisingly well that first season and then the next one we made it to nationals in florida (which was two  yeas ago).. we got 5th and last year couldnt compare :)... my frosh year in High School  varsity i mostly was the  DH (designated hitter) and bench warmer.. sometimes outfield.. then when we graduatesd a senior.. my soph year i was tried at 1st base.. i am tall and if i dont think about it i can do the splitz and catch the ball lol.. also i became 5 hole hitter cause i got alot of basehits.. well mostly hit it so hard that the feilder would bobble it and i would get on base.. but it worked anyways :).. my junior year i was 4 hole hitter and hit a HR in the State Quarter finals against the number one recruited pitcher in 5A.. both years in regionals we got knocked out by our arch rivals.. "The Spartanettes" grr talk about a STUPID name for the team lol :) anyways they beat us out of regionals my frosh and soph years.. but low and behold... in fall of 2000 my junior year.. we go on a 23 game winning streak starting before regionals and go undefeated through regionals and state and become 5A state champs!!!! Then this year, we repeated and went back 2 back.. but as always the second time around isnt near as exciting :)

Oh and incase you wanted to know and decided to read this far.. my other hobbies are shopping, traveling (usually for softball but its fun), hanging with my friends or cruising with them in THEIR cars cause i dont want to hurt my new car hehe.. watching movies.. hanging out with my mom (she is sooo cool, most of the time.. one of my best friends)

Okay well i think im done rambling about myself, and dont ask me why i did it.. i doubt few ppl will ever notice this and actually read it all the way through.. but i feel ppl should love talking about themselves.. cause each person is a gift.. and the best gift you can give a person is yourself and who u are.. and some other pointless quotes from me are: "he who thinks like others, doesnt think for himself" and "laugh at yourself before others do" "he who laugheth liveth longeth" now say that 5x's fast lol... ok im outtie peace and love to my sistas and brothas
*PEACE OUT* CiCi has spoken