Hi I'm Marc Renton.

Live Simply
Speak Truthfully
Think Wisely

Here's where I get to brag about my friends!

Here's where I put things written by my friends and others.

My section dedicated to the Justice League of America.

Read some works written by the Almighty Beat Poets

Hear what my friends and others have to say about life and the way of things.

A little bit of comic fan fiction by us... Glass Eye Inc.

A page of graphics which mean something to me, but you will probably look at them oddly. Hey, you never know, I might just slip some porn in there.

Here's some of my thoughts on music.

Check out the Top 100 Movies of All Time (for the next decade)

And if you like movies then you should check out my rating system for movies and actors...

There are people out there who have visited my page. Kinda scary ain't it?

You can E-mail me in the meantime.
By all means, sign my guestbook or at least glance at it

Please come back soon and visit me, this site is always under .

Tina the Troubled Teen The Weather in Hell

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