#Playland Chat Home Page

Updated February 28, 2001

Server:Chat.TalkCity.Com Port:7000 Room:#Playland

Meet The Playland Players!

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Players ~ please join our mailing list!

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Playland is a room where adults can relax, unwind and play with other adults. The room operators strive to make the room a fun and friendly place to be. In order for them to maintain control of the room it is asked that the following rules be observed:

1.) You must be at least 18 years old to enter.

2.) No cybering in the open room! Please keep it private ~ not everyone likes to cyber or wants to watch you.

3.) No fighting! We understand that not everyone is going to get along or like everyone else. However rather than arguing back and forth type in /ignore nickname. That will solve the problem easily.

4.) No bashing of any kind! Just because you do not share the same views as another person does not give you the right to put them down. Again type in /ignore and then you do not have to deal with that persons views.

5.) Childish behavior will NOT be tolerated in here! Leave all childishness behind before entering!!! We are all adults lets act like it, please.

With that said choose your IRC Program:

To change room use the Room button on the left

Polite Playland Playful Playland Rough Playland
Ladies Playland (for the ladies) Nofrills Playland (no pop-ups) Male Playland (for the men)
Are you a moody person who likes to switch IRCs? Or you just cannot decide which IRC you want to use? Try the Complete Playland Set
All are upgrade friendly!!!!!

©1997 - 2001

Mail MLadyAngela