Klue's Home Page

Home with Klue

Hi I'm Alan. Herein lies what little I'll let the world know about me! Hope you enjoy your stay, and don't forget to sign my guestbook before you leave! (It makes it look like I actually have a couple of freinds! :-)

I'm happy to announce that I got married! My new wife's name is Natalie, and she is originally from St. Petersburg, Russia. No she's not mail order! :-) She's a wondefull person and I will hopefully get some pictures of us in here before too long.

I work in Pompano Beach, FL, as a Sr. Help Desk Analyst. This basically means that I go between Tech Support and the programmers, but I also go out and teach classes. The classes are in the Software that the company I work for writes. It is basically a Cad program that is used to design roofs for houses, banks, condos, etc...

I've had a couple of cool experiences lately, and one of these was diving in Biscayne National Underwater Park, in South Florida. Every year, a group of my friends from South Alabama come down on a diving trip. I try to get the weekend off and I go with them. It's a great chance to get together with friends and have some good times. A freind of mine and I took some pictures with his underwater camera, and I'll try to get some of the pictures posted before too long. They won't be the best though, since the freaking photo people royally screwed them up.

I also went to St Louis for the first time in August '98 and that was fun. Typical of my lazy personality, I took some pictures, but haven't either had or taken the time to scan them and get them posted up here.

I've been living in Pompano Beach since August of '97. I moved here from Gulf Shores, Alabama. I lived there from January of 90 till then (except for the six months I lived in Breckenridge Colorado). Gulf Shores is a pretty cool town. It's a small town atmosphere, but since it is a tourist town, it has some of the things to do that you have in bigger areas. It's known as a golf mecca and has lots of courses in the area. If you would like to visit Gulf Shores, click here.

I don't know how many people read this part of the page, so if you would like to see some nudes of me, click here.

Please come back soon and visit me. I plan to change it up a little.

New info! (12-98)

I Just went on a trip to Alabama and I was able to take Natalie with me for the first time. Read all about it and see some pictures here.

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Breck, Co. in '93
10.79 Kb 
Deep Sea Fishing!
36.21 Kb 
Working Hard!
11.60 Kb 
lifeguard in '93
7.99 Kb 

Links to other sites on the Web

ScubaPro gets wetter as you go deeper!
ScubaPro Dive Gear!

Alpine Engineered Products!
Visit me at Work!

A freind's work is always dead, visit him!
Visit a friends family business!

Visit the place I lived and worked in Breckenridge, Colorado
Beaver Run, My Winter '93 home!

Adam Jones For President in 2024
How about a teenager who knows what he wants? Check him out!

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