This picture is me from the 1998 Head of the Mississippi, (as I haven't scanned any pictures on in a while...) of me with my gold medal from the light 8.

I'm in my 3nd quarter at the University of Oregon (GO DUCKS!!!) MBA program in the Warsaw Sports Marketing Program. I love it--most of it anyway, especially now that economics is over. And accounting. And our first finance class. Oregon is beautiful and I have the best roommate
, and the best boyfriend. I just graduated from Creighton University last May so I'm one of the youngest in the program. The only work experience I have is an internship with the U.S. Olympic Committee. I worked in the Grants and Planning Division. It's a really good internship program. About half of the interns worked for the USOC and the rest worked for various NGBs. I hope that after grad school I can work for the USOC or one of the NBGs, or a university athletic department for my real job.

They keep me pretty busy with group projects (SPP) but I also get enough time to do things I like--work out, bake, spend time with my boyfriend, and watch UO tennis. I'm used to being a busy little girl. I tried rowing first quarter but the regatta schedule would have been unworkable, besides after you've done it D1 it's not as fun to row for club. So I spend my weekends with my roomie, Vickie, or my boyfriend, Sven, when they're not playing tennis; or at Nick and Chuck's house for their notorious "wine nights". Gotta love it.

The other stuff well, not too interesting unless you know me, sorry sirs. Well, let me know if there's comments, etc. by emailing me at

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