~Welcome to Lesleigh's Home~

First, I would like to thank you for visiting my home on the web. Most of you have probably been here before, but for those who haven't, this page is under total construction. I think I change this as much as I change clothes. I've been really doing a lot of new things lately, so I decided, since I am changing, so should the page.*S* Most of the links will no-longer be up. I'm not sure how long it will take until this page meets my satisfication, but I will do my best to have it up and running again soon.

I guess now would be a good time to show you what links are still available for viewing *L* Guess I can't just open a door and not show you what is inside. So here goes nothing:


People I've met IRL from the net

Bits and pieces about Lesleigh

To hear me say "Chicken" *ROTFLMAO* You have to click here, life will never be the same, and you'll sure never think of chicken the same again

LadyJane's favorite thing to say to me

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