Hi there.....for those of ya'll that don't know me, let me take a second to introduce myself.....My name is Beth a.k.a. LittleBeth of icq (#13558847), littleBeth01 or BiBuffy69 of Yahoo!, Beth464 of Houston MatchMaker, Beth471 of ALT MatchMaker, Beth767 of Connection MatchMaker, KittyKitty180 of Nudist MatchMaker, KittyKitty365 of Austin MatchMaker, or maybe even Buffy711 of GL MatchMaker.

I am 19 yrs. old and reside in Houston, TX. I have lived here my whole life and don't plan to leave anytime soon. I am about 5'2", 140 lbs., blonde hair and blue eyes.....needless to say, VERY CUTE!!! I am currently attending Houston Community College where I plan on obtaining my Associates in WEB DESIGN. After that I am not sure what the future holds in store for me.

Okay now I know what you are probably thinking "why does a GIRL have a pic of another HOT GIRL on her web site?" Well the answer to your question is that I am BISEXUAL. Yes, thats right....I like girls just as well as guys. I came to this conclusion a couple of months back. I had never been with another girl before, but I had always thought about it. THEN one day I finally did something about it. And from that day on I have now considered myself to be VERY VERY BISEXUAL.

Well since this is a very new site, and as you can probaly imagine, it is not all that I want it to be yet. So I will definetly be adding more links, pics, and graphics for the taking in the future......but until then I hope you enjoy your little visit to my homepage away from home.....HAVE FUN!!!!

*hugs & kisses to all*


The Good Girl

The Bad Girl

Graphics for All

My Favorite Links

My Friend KC

Another site I designed

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on February 21, 1999 by Beth

"I support Tinky Winky"

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