World of Me..WhiteAsh
Hi i am WhiteAsh_TEC aka Ash. I am a 24 year old mother of 2 beutiful girls. They are 1 and 5.  I have a what you call a Significant Other. I live in Alaska... yuppers WAY UP NORTH!!

I also play this game called Mystic Realms of Alhanza (MRA to us that play). We have guilds n such. Its a great game to play once you get the hang of it.

I have many friends there. They are as follows (not in any particular order, just off the top of my head.

1. Ticwitch_TEC
2. Nahkoe_VOC
3. Viruk_EPA
4. LilBro_EPA
7. Grissom_TEC
8. Aggy_TEC
9. Ric_TEC
10. Katie_TEC
11. Vern_TEC
12. Stampede_TEC
13. Raven_OCP
14. Wookcaine_OCP
15. Payne_TEC
16. Lansy
17. Droker
If i forgot anyone its cause i am GRUMPY and PISSED OFF.
This is Me, WhiteAsh_TEC about 3 years ago
Payne_TEC's TEC Site
Chef_TEC's TEC Site