Yes, you heard right, Courtney's World where all there is is stuff that Courtney does, and a little about her friends too *smiles* Just kidding guyz you know that there is tons of junk on this page! my life doesn't exist with out all of you!!!! No way! expecially my fun group! lol! Tons of pictures are on the site. and many things to see. the page is "under construction" but what page isn't? How boring it must be to have a page that has never changed. So, enter now, and enter often! hahaha i sound like one of those commercials for a contest! Whatever, just come back often because every now and then i add a new page with new pictures, or new quotes, maybe a lil treat! but no treats yet! lol! newayz, have fun! and happy surfing :P~

Point and click on cartman to hear him sing!!