Hello and WELCOME to my home page. By now, you may already know who I am, but if you don't then let me introduce myself. Hi, my name is Elizabeth, but for some of you I may be known as duwee (a nickname I use in chat).
How I came up with "duwee" is another story. I had just purchased a computer a couple of months prior to discovering the internet. I had this Prodigy CD disk and decided to give it a try. After all the registration process and everything I wasn't sure what to do next. So, like any other person who doesn't know anything about the internet, I started clicking on anything and everything! =) Then I saw this "chat" icon, and so I went to explore. It asked me for a nickname and the rest is history. I didn't know exactly what to expect, but soon I found myself chatting with other people throughout cyberspace. I was able to meet a couple of them in person with hopes in meeting more. As time went by, people left and newbies came in. But I will always remember those who were very dear to me. Thank you for taking time to come visit me. Please feel free to click on the icons below to learn more about me, my family and my friends . . . Let me know you came by signing my Guestbook! |
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