Words are Forever

Sitting all alone, I wonder sometimes
Why everything I’ve done seems like horrible crimes
How it will be, when I no longer care
When no one is there, in my pain to share

I’ve been alone for much too long
It’s like listening to a sad, endless song
Nothing seems to matter, Nor should I care
But still I sit here and wonder; sometime, somewhere

Where has everything gone?
What about the time that’s left?
Should I even
Look forward to death?

Nothing makes sense now as to why I am here
I just sit here and wonder; in pain, in fear
Who will be there to catch my fall
Is it even worth it at all?

Yet I still look forward to each new day
Not paying attention to the price I will pay
For here in this darkness, I think to myself
Tomorrow’s a new day, I’ll put my pride on the shelf

But when the sun does rise
And much to my surprise
Everything is always the same
Always alone; in fear, in shame

Not a word will be spoken on the day that I die
That words such as these, would come from inside
With so much meaning and so much truth
Did you ever really think that I would turn to you?

Through all the pain, and through all the lies
The thought of what you said, still echoes inside
Nothing in the world is worth this much pain
But no matter what, I still try in vein

So take me as I am, I am what you see
I will not hide in an emotional sea
Some people never get the chance to say
What they’ve always wanted to, before their dying day

I will never give up, I’ll never give in
For in me you will find, one true friend
I know what its like, I know how it works
In a world so lost, so lost in the dark

I see people in love and it makes me want the same
But again I get nothing, nothing but shame
Is it something I’ve done, something I’ve said?
Or the truth that I’ve so blatantly bled?

All I ever wanted was for you to know
That my love for you is never ending, for you it only grows
Now that time has gone past and it’s so very late
I guess that’s what I get for believing in fate

I hear on my window
The night’s steady rain
It drowns out my sorrows
It drowns out my pain

The time has now come for this letter to end
I’ll be here for you through thick and through thin
In time and eternity my thoughts do now turn
My flame for you will forever burn