The Reyes Family Home Page
Hello and welcome to our personal web page. In this site I wish to share a little about the daily life of myself and my family. I am married to Dennis and we are trying to conceive (ttc) a child. I have had one pregnancy that was ectopic and ended in a tubal rupture on 4/12/03. We have been ttc again ever since with no luck so far. I am actively charting my cycles. If you wish to check out where I am, please click the "My Chart" link below. I am also the community leader for the TTC after ectopic loss message board. That link is provided as well.

I am an Office Manager at a Day Nursery child development center. I have worked in the child development field for about 12 years. I enjoy infants and 2 year olds the most. I really enjoy working with the financial and administrative aspects of the center and visiting the children occasionally! There is a link to some child care resources in the Indianapolis area where we live and work. Dennis is a laborer for Henry Schein and also has two daughters from a previous relationship.

Thanks for visiting our site. Come back often as information will change.

Dennis and I love going out to eat! That's number one. Next we enjoy going to movies. We like action and thrillers the most. I spend a good deal of time online with the message board and various websites. I also enjoy brain teasers (easy ones!). We love football! Unfortunately the Colts are out of the playoffs and in a month there will be no more football for a while. So we will see what crops up for summer. Sometimes we read, both tending toward science fiction and fantasy. I hope to share a little about these topics and others as we go along. You are welcome to stay along for the ride!
Parents Place
TTC Messageboard
My Chart
Day Nursery
Child Care Answers
Henry Schein
My Diary
Our Movie Reviews