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Yes, I am a self admitted Narcissist. How can I not be? It's too obvious! =) Anyway, while my real page is down, I decided to stick my most recent pics back up here... Thx for visiting! Also, if I haven't made you sick enough of me, Click here for many, many more pics.

Me & My Baby
Lousy Photo Quality
May 16, 2005
Nothing new
April 5, 2004
Christmas RedLight
December 25, 2003
Psyc ward clip
December 17, 2003
New Do
July 19, 2003
Mini Me's
April 6, 2003
Mood Swing
March 24, 2003
Rocky Horror Night
Feb.1, 2003
I Forgot the Superbowl
Jan.26, 2003
My evil mugshot
Jan.24, 2003
Feeling Brite
Jan.24, 2003
Change again
Dec.7, 2002
My model look??
November 25, 2002
See no, Speak no, Hear no
(dork!) November 23, 2002
After school comptime
September 9, 2002
Lounging about my new dorm
August 31, 2002
At the beach (blah pic)
July 18, 2002
Sorry if they're too dark
Me- May 18, 2002
Cut about 8 inches off March 2, 2002 Beginning a Screwed up 2002
Jan. 4, 2002
Another Boring Morning
December, 2001
My latest colours (July 2001) Me- the last day of May 2001
My face again Me- in the morning- JUST waking up. ha
Relaxing on the bed after a hard day of shopping in April
TABBY- just remember "They call me Mellow Yellow"