This is Molly. |

This is the sender.

This is you the reader.

This is in memory of Molly my first angel. She is also my Daughter
I hope one day the youngest of the angels gets to see what her Daddy built for her. The first angel is for my little girl Molly. The second as is the person that sent you this webpage. The third is the person that is reading the page. Some one sent you here because they thought you were special. This page is full of love from one heart to another. I hope you will send it to someone you love. I know my angel won't mind because she knows how much love means and needs to be shared.
For those of you that think
the good men are gone, here are some things for you.
A Heart To Understand
Though we all try very hard,
To understand each other;
Sometimes we misinterpret,
On Line with one another.
You can read a letter,
and understand what's meant;
But typing to each other,
Can make someone resent.
The words just flow so easily,
We say things without thought,
and sometimes mixes messages,
And then they think you're caught.
A person needs some touching,
Not just a keyboard fling;
But, sometimes others carry on,
And don't need the real life thing.
The friendships can be real,
But until you meet in person,
That yearning for a hug or two,
Could only start to worsen.
Devotion really happens,
But the heart it longs for more,
The space that is between them,
Can hurt from shore to shore.
Feelings can grow stronger,
Making easier to meet;
Knowing all their moods,
It's all laid out at your feet.
You learn to love the inside,
And not worry what is outer;
Whether they are tall and thin,
Or short or somewhat stouter.
If you fall in love with a heart,
Instead of just a face,
You realize the value,
And appreciate the pace.
So meeting friends online,
It has it's good and bad;
You feel their deepest feelings,
And know when they are sad.
And love can conquer more,
If you get to know each other;
For learning how each other feels,
Draws you close to one another.
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guest book. I am watching this Guest Book and I'm writing back to everyone that signs it. So please take the time to
sign it. Thank you very much
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