Welcome to my website. I hope you weren't looking for anything
thrilling, there's not much here except photos, writings, and a little
bit of information about me. If that's what you're looking for, read on!
Finding Me Online:
Finding me online isn't as easy these days as it used to be. I'm sure a couple
of people have noticed I don't frequent chatrooms anymore. My alternate details
are below:
I can be found on MSN: kimh74@hotmail.com
If you are planning on contacting me here, make sure you identify yourself quickly. I don't frequent chat rooms because I don't talk to random people - if I don't know you, please don't bother. I'm not interested in casual chats with people I've never met before.
Something Colourful:
I've had this dragon on my website since I first learned how to use HTML.
I think it's kinda cute, and I thought I better add a bit of colour to this
page! So here it is: