Shello's Page!!!

Hi!  I'm Michelle!  This is just a website dedicated to my friends and me...

I graduated from Valley High School in 1999.  I took a year off, working fulltime at Windsor Windows where I did Order Entry.  I am attending Iowa State University this fall where I will be majoring in Business Management and will be in Color Guard and joining a sorority.

Dave Matthews Band
Audiofind-MP3 Downloads
Iowa State University
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Whenever I'm not working or going to school, I like to go to the bars and nightclubs and meet people.  I pretty much listen to hard stuff but am majorly obsessed with Dave Matthews Band!!!  My other obsessions include Metallica, Creed, Our Lady Peace, 3 Doors Down, A Perfect Circle, and Godsmack.   I will be a part of the ISU Flagline since I loved it so much in high school.  Go Marchmasters!!!  Anyway, my latest news:  A belly button ring and a successful audition into the Color Guard at ISU-I MADE IT!! :-)  Happy viewing!

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Some of My Friends


Random Pics #1

Random Pics #2

Randoms Pics #3

Meet My Family

Buddy-My Puppy

Last updated on: June 25, 2000

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