People ME and My stuff You (I hope you like the page)
Links to other sites on the Web
My other Page
My sister's page, just b/c I'm nice and I said I would put it.
This is the page for cool javascript, and MIDI everything
Casey's PageThis is my friend Casey's way cool web page! She did a good job.
Brazilian JuiJitsu This is a page done by my good friend Sean... check it out if you like any kind of fighting.
H.C.I.P.E. Harrison Central Indoor Percussion Ensemble - check it out for a good page done by a best friend.
This page really doesnt have a theme yet, but I'll think of one eventually. I'm sure all of those web surfers out there dont want to just know about me... they want to gain something!! Well, I'll think of something eventually. Also, I want to thank John for all the cool stuff he gave me. Thanks.
Lately, there have been a few changes in my life... Things have been going pretty good. As you may or may NOT know, I've joined the Marine Corps, hence the few updates in the past forever. The Corps is treating my great. I get to see things and meet people it wouldn't have been possible to meet otherwise. And remember, no matter what any Marine tells you, bootcamp was hell on Earth without the flames and pitchforks.
Right about now, I'm sitting on a ship in the middle of nowhere participating in "Operation Iraqi Freedom". I'm even wearing the T-shirt as I speak. Stuck out here surounded by a bunch of sailors... but their not all bad. So I've been in the Marine Corps for about 2 years now... yay. Heheh I'm stationed out at Marine Corps Air Station New River, I work at Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 29, and if any of you want my temporarily permanent mailing or email addy, drop me a line and I'll let you know. So the military's actually treating me pretty well. It's about time I learned some good work ethics, right ma?
Alright, everyone, time for another update. I'm sure not too many people read all this crap, but I guess I'll be posting on here until the day I die. I'm just that boring and lifeless. Lifeless meaning I have not life, not that I'm dead or something. Stop being dumb.
I've been in for a little more than 3 years now. In the Marines that is. Fun stuff. I'm thinking about re-upping. Who knows right now, though. I still have two more years to go. I'm still at the same squadron, though.
Something that's a little more important to me right now, though... I've become engaged. I'm in love with this great girl named Susan right now. She's the love of my life. I give things up for her, but I get so much in return. I can't wait to marry her and make her all mine. We don't have an exact wedding date right now, but it's somewhere near the end of March. Just IM me or email me if you have any questions. :)
What you think is love can turn out to be lust sometimes, and sometimes what you think is lust can blossom into love. Normally, I would erase the entry up there to rectify things within myself, but I learn from my mistakes. Well, at least I try to. Turned out Susan was ALREADY married. What I thought was love was me being used as a booty buddy so to speak. She said all the things I wanted to hear in order for her to get into my pants. Kind of rare hearing that from a guy, right? I'm not a little girl or anything, but my trust was violated and feelings I thought I had turned out to be something totally different.
Of course, there's a lighter side to things now. I am talking to the most terrific splendiferous girl alive right now. Better than Susan even. Why is she better than Susan you ask? Well, for one, she doesn't treat me like crap, she doesn't complain when she doesn't get my full attention all the time, she won't leave me just b/c I'm in Iraq, she's gorgeous, smart, creative, has stunning eyes, splendid hair, the most luring smile, an upbeat outlook on life... she's everything Susan wasn't. She's even secure with herself as far as I can see, and DEFINATELY no mental problems. lol We connect on a whole different level. Our conversations don't consist of 'I love you's' every ten seconds, we can have REAL conversations. We don't talk about sex like it's a chore or something we have to earn, we talk about it like it's something two people do when they really care about eachother. And Jennifer and I really care about eachother. So thank you, Jen for helping me over come my insecurities. Thanks for helping me feel good about myself, for complimenting me, for having confidence in me, and for supporting me while I am in the middle of the desert when everyone but family left me to rot in the dust. Oh... everyone but family and Geno and Jason... but they're family too... so they don't count. Okay... that's about all for now. Oh yeah... in case you couldn't tell, I'm in Iraq again. I'll be here for another 4 months or so. Fun stuff. I'm doing good. :) Of course, I still miss everyone! Take care!
I have somePictures I would like you to see. There aren't many, but I'm working on it.
This is a link to the site for the computer club, if you'd like to look at it... even though this page looks kind of kokie, I did a lot of the designing and programming on that page, but I'd like to thank all of the computer club web staff for all of the hard work they have put into it.Harrison Central Computer Club Now, I have this new thing I think I'm adding... I think it's going to be a poem-slash-creative ideas-slash-things you want to see page. Just show meYour Stuff and see what you've got! Be it known... before you can see something, I've got to see it first, so just send it too me using one of the names at the bottom of this page.
Here's my next page of pictures. There's only one now, but it will grow... I have plenty to add! Next, go check out my Friend's Pictures.
This page of pictures is dedicated to my food fight w/ a bunch of good friends of mine. Check out The 3rd Page of Pictures .
 Click here to see a few pictures of some friends and myself aboard the mighty carrier USS Saipan
Here are some pictures of my baby Suzie-Q and myself! Our Page
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