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Welcome                                   Bienvenue
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Bonjour, je me nomme Nicole, mais tout mes amis de "CHAT" me connaissent sous le pseudonyme de Nikky.  Je vie seule avec ma fille de 15 ans "age tres difficile".  Je suis d'origine ontarienne, plus precisement d'Ottawa,  mais maintenant j'habite dans une petite ville quebecoise du nom de Buckingham.

Hi, my name is Nicole, but all my chat friends call me  Nikky.  I'm a single mom of a 15yrs old girl......"what a difficult age".  I was born in Ottawa, Ont. but now live in a small town called Buckingham, Que. 


Family Photo Album

Radio Energie

Ottawa Stuff

Gatineau Hot Air Balloon Festival

Federation Equestre du Quebec

New Rider Site

(if you click on my picture you'll get to see my homepage

(if you clck on my picture  you'll get to see my homepage)

Niagara Falls live

Excel Communications

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Links to friends homepage

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Celticcariad's homepage

Moon's Homepage

Ed's Homepage

Crazy PPL Homepage

click on Smileys to see pictures
of my trip to England and Niagara Falls 

Taiwo's Homepage

Stu's Homepage

Click for Fresno, California Forecast