*bowing* hello there and welcome to this lovely page. there is nothing here at the moment since i have no idea as to how this html stuff works. i am going to try to learn how to do this over the summer and now with school being out, maybe i have a chance to do so. until then, check back if you really want to...but just a warning, it might take a while. oh yes, any help would be much appreciated Ü. oh yeah, and if you can't really see the writing on any of the pages, just highlight it so you can. i'll fix it later...oh yeah, one last thing, i have little messages on each of my separating bars so just play around and maybe you will see it pop up. have fun. but right now, it's all choppy and clashy. sorry, i'm tired and it's one am right now *yawn* time for bed, night night. sweet dreams and sleep tight.
well now, i guess it's time to really do something on this page...i am thinking of changing everything =). thinking is the keyword.
oh yeah, and a big hihi to everyone.
oh and here's a picture of me and my nibi cute no? it was taken in my dorm room at ucla.
oh and one more! =)
this one was taken veterans' weekend when he came up to see me on for my birthday. how sweet hm? *nod*
are you bored already? go out and do something productive. or if you would rather, just sit back and read some nifty quotes.
why are you just sitting there? it's a nice day, go get a breath of fresh air already. or if you really want to, go listen to some music.
and another thing that amuses me. final fantasy eight =) well mainly it's because that squall is so *drool* heheh. *nervous giggle*. and i like that rinoa lady too because she's an angel. or at least she has wings =). it would be fun to fly, i think.
you're still here? ai...well since you are STILL here, maybe you are curious about who i am...here, maybe this next section will interest you.
um, like i said. this used to be the section on junior prom but have learned not to dwell on the past. and now i have moved on to more interesting things...like naked people =).
if you have something terribly wrong with you, go ahead and my site. or you can do that just for the heck of it. have a nice day. =)
with any comments or suggestions. i would be happy to hear from you. |
eh? that's weird =) oh! wait actually you are number
lookie at you, you are visitor number...
haha funny don't you think? =) don't worry i am not this wacky in real life. well that is what i think...what my friends think is another story =).