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Viet Nam Vets
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Home Page of
Larry Brewer
South Viet Nam
1968, 1969
Member, NRA

I would like to tell a brief story of a man.
An old cowboy, going through life, minding his own business, and doing more for the world than anyone could ever know.
I am a Viet Nam vet,which I am proud of. My father is a veteran of WWII, which I am equally proud of.
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Accra Pilot Car Service - The Place to Look for Personalized Pilot Car Service

Turning Country - Born in the City.

ResearchTriangle - The future of technology.

SiliconValley - Hardware, software, programming.

Frank Allan Brewer,Jr.
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My first recollection of my father was at a place South of Bonanza, Ut. known to me only as Wolf Den. This was a part of a rather large ranch located in the Book Cliff mountain range about mid way down the Eastern border of Utah, near the Colorado line. When Allan was about 8 years old, the family moved from the desert, across the mountain into Utah, to a canyon called Bitter Creek. There they built a ranch at what is known as the Balanced Rock. Grandad Brewer(1885-1973) had written his name on the rock in 1918. It since has been repainted, and kept as a reminder of the people that settled in that country. My earliest memory was in 1951, I was just old enough to understand that it was "Gramma's house" This country was home to Allan Brewer(1910-2003 ) for many years. He rode so much of this country horseback, so often, many miles from home, alone, on a greenbroke bronc. He felt very much at home in this rough and rugged land. Keeping an eye on the range herd, doctoring sick cattle, branding calves that had been missed at branding time, moving the stock continually to the better feed range. At 91 years old, this spring, his rough days will be pretty much limited to planting and growing his garden, and helping John Wayne catch the bad guys. I had to add a new date in here, Dad passed away Dec. 8, 2003. He was given military honors, and his life as a cowboy was the main theme of all speakers at the service. I really never did get to work on this page as much as I should. Dad never got to see it.....
December was a bit rough on me, I buried my dad on a Thursday, lost my dog and buried her on a Friday. My wife found another dog for me, and hurried home to get her to me by Christmas.... my Christmas present promptly bit me!