Welcome to Darrells' Page

Darrell's Pic

New things as of 4-19-02
Finally decided what I'm going to school for
An Associate's in Computer Office Technology as an Information Specialist
I'll probably go up to a Bachelor's with that one
I also want a 2nd degree, a Master's that I'll enjoy
I think I'm single kinda sorta.  Least that's the official word from my other
Going to Great Basin College.  Eh.

My friends Micah Jones and Kim Jenkins are getting married next month
I'll probably take some pictures of everyone dressed up

I don't have as big a social live as I used to have
These days hanging out consists of going with my friend Mark, pissing off his and my gf's
It's a way to pass the time, though.

I'm going to learn to do advanced html someday, just you watch me

I miss my car
I miss my friends
Damn growing old

Looking for work, something I can do as a cripple/gimp

My hair is long.  Very long.  Need to get it cut sometime.

    There's nothing like playing with a new computer, believe you me.  Now that I've taken care of my one big college expense the first semester I should have a lot of extra $$$ to toss around, when I get my next grant check.  As long as it goes to my education, I'm sure they don't mind how I use it.  I guess you can say I've been hanging out with my band friends a lot since the last update, but then again a lot of them moved away.  Two are in the navy (Clayton Kimber and Micah Jones), one is in Arizona fending for himself with his gf (Mike Johnson), and I'm not sure where the rest went.  They're not important anyways, though.  As for my other friends, Aaron's still in the Marines.  He should be out sometime soon, within the next few years.  If you want to drop me a line feel free.  Also check out Tittytwister , a bit of a song by Diesel Boy.  Here are some pages with pictures on them.

Darrell's stuff - Pictures      
                        bro_dude   MGD

                        Adademic stuff

And stome stuff about my friends

My best friend Aaron Telly, the mad-phat chick killa, aka  Aaron Vandenberg  

Norm and Scott
Best friends # 2&3 Norman Heaton  Paco the Taco, super dumb jock, and fellow mass consumer of fermented beverages
                               Scott Ward    Kap'n Kabob, the dude bro to my bro dude, and the impartial advice giver

My girlfriends, and other girls worth mentioning...   Julie, Amanda, Leslie, Kaylin, and some others.....
My good friend Carla  Carla Someone special to me, Carla Baker , my "wife"

 Pictures of more of my friends   The guys, the girls, and anyone else I'm around.

Band Kids  The kids I've been hanging out with lately.....

I also have a little message for those of you only interested in sex from a relationship, just click here. A new addition is links to my page dedicated to Rabbithunting (you'll understand if you look into bro dude), and my car, LWB .

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