There's nothing
like playing with a new computer, believe you me. Now that I've taken
care of my one big college expense the first semester I should have a lot
of extra $$$ to toss around, when I get my next grant check. As long
as it goes to my education, I'm sure they don't mind how I use it. I
guess you can say I've been hanging out with my band friends a lot since
the last update, but then again a lot of them moved away. Two are in
the navy (Clayton Kimber and Micah Jones), one is in Arizona fending for
himself with his gf (Mike Johnson), and I'm not sure where the rest went.
They're not important anyways, though. As for my other friends,
Aaron's still in the Marines. He should be out sometime soon, within
the next few years. If you want to
drop me a line
feel free. Also check out
, a bit of a song by Diesel Boy. Here are some pages with pictures
on them.
Darrell's stuff -
Adademic stuff
And stome stuff about my friends
My best friend Aaron
Telly, the mad-phat chick killa, aka
Aaron Vandenberg
Scott Ward
Kap'n Kabob, the dude bro to my bro dude, and the impartial
advice giver
My girlfriends, and
other girls worth mentioning...
Julie, Amanda, Leslie, Kaylin, and some others.....
My good friend Carla
Someone special to me,
Carla Baker
, my "wife"
of more of my friends
The guys, the girls, and anyone else I'm
Band Kids
The kids I've been hanging out with lately.....
I also have a little message for those of you
only interested in sex from a relationship, just
click here.
A new addition is links to my page dedicated to
(you'll understand if you look into bro dude), and my car,
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